how's this mic for VOX

I just bought one at that price. It should be here tomorrow. I used one on a session about 3 months ago and was very impressed with how it sounded on a male baritone vocal. At that price, I thought it was a sweet deal compared to other tube mics in that price range.

FWIW, Fletcher had some nice things to say about this mic, I'll see if I can dig up the thread.
after reading some revies and listening to the guitars at the listening sessions.. i'ma go with a MXL V69M and maybe put a 6072 telefunken tube or a mesa boogie tube in it to bring out even more detail
i'd end up using it as an overall mic.. i have a tlm193, but 2 of my singers don't sound great on it.. they sound to thin and airy...
if not the M9 i might get the v69 with a mesa boogie tube
the sos review of the mxl V69 didn't really sell it as another review i read.. but the M9 review did sell me on that mic.. and for the price i'm sure its a great mic..
i won't be ordering a mic for at least a month.. but its gonna be either the M9,V69 or save for a NTK, but reviews on both mics prove them to be a little better than the higher priced ntk.... that M9 really has me thinking now... i want to get the highest vocal quality i can and the lowest price i can..
if i get the m9 it will mainly be used for VOX but it'll get used for flutes, violins and alto/tenor sax also...i want to incorporate live instruments in my r&b production
c9-2001 said:
but reviews on both mics prove them to be a little better than the higher priced ntk....

I'd be careful with your phrasing on that one. Reviews don't prove jack shit . . . other than the fact that some guy's got an opinion on something and printed it.
When you get a good one... they're very very good... and when they're bad... exchange it for a good one at what ever store sold it to you...
Fletcher said:
When you get a good one... they're very very good... and when they're bad... exchange it for a good one at what ever store sold it to you...
is the quality control bad?
i was gonna order it from
the mic i really want, my money won't let me buy right now, a Shure ksm44
DJL said:
I put mesa boogie tube's in my VTB-1's and IMO it made a big difference. ;)

I see the wink, but seriously, did you do this? I've seen some postings here about replacing the tube and know a guy in town here that is a tube guru. I've been using the VTB-1 mostly solid state, but would like some opinions on what to do about the tube.

