Hows the Studio Projects B1 paired with the VTB-1 pre?

I've used neither, but would easily take a chance and get both, if that was what I thought would serve my needs. All I've read EVERYWHERE is nothing but good about both of those units based on their prices. Maybe the lack of the on/off switch on the preamp was a "con", but I just throw the main power off at the pole when I am done recording. Then my neighbors know it's "all clear" to fire up their lawnmowers, leaf blowers and 4 wheelers!!
yea how come these pres dont come with on off switches? my dbx doesnt have one, ive noticed an ART mp not having one, and now im hearing the VTB-1 doesnt have one either?
It's good idea to use a surge protection strip with all your audio equipment.
Voila! Instant on/off switch:).

The B1/VTB-1 combo sounds very good BTW.

the folks down at the studio building forum tell me surge "strips" are basically overpriced extension cords, btw. Incidently, I have had power surges go those puppies like they weren't even there. Thank goodness for homeowners[insurance], that I didn't have to get three estimates and send all my fried equipment, powerstrip(s), and sales receipts back to "Belkin"...or who ever.
I'd also watch turning off pieces of equipment with these strips (and turning on), especially if your speakers don't have a delay on the "power-up" of their amps, or you turn them off separately in a fashionable order...(or screw a correct order!)
The DMP3 and VTB-1 both sound "good" on condesner microphones IMHO.

The VTB-1 is quieter, however, when you use dynamic microphones at/near full gain. I think the VTB-1 will hold up better to the rigors of live performance if that's also a concern.

take your pick

<<I'd go for a DMP3 over a VTB-1. So would a lot of others, apparently>>

getting two channels for roughly the same price as one will certainly win over a lot of people before they've even tried the product. had i known the dmp3 was as good as it is, more than likely i would've made my choice in that direction as well.

i've never had my hands on a dmp3, but i plan to at some point--the reviews they get around here have convinced me that they're most definitely not crap and are absolutely worth picking up.

i do have a vtb-1 and think it does a fine job. not spectacular. not great. but you could do a lot worse. and it sounds just fine with the B1.
