How's my mp3 sample


New member
Hi there!

I made a sample of my drums using Behringer B1 and ECM8000 microphones in stereo mode. How's the sound?

You can find MP3 here. I hope the server is not too slow.
How do you have those mics running? OHs? And what techinque are you using? X/Y, just straight spaced out evenly? Aside from that, for the sound I'd say the best thing you could do is try to deaden the room as much as possible if you're looking for a nice tight drum sound. Since you're using room mics and no close mics (i assume) you'e catching a lot of the room sound along with the drums and they just won't cut in a mix without a lot of headaches (in most situations at least). If you can, I'd suggest running two OH's in X/Y to enhance your stereo image, and a mic on the kick about 6 inches from the batter inside the drum (as a starting point). What mics you use is up to what you want/can afford. Keep in mind that this suggestion is to get a sound closer to most records than what you have, if you're lookin for anything else, post the style you want, and a song reference would help a lot too.