How you all tracking?

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New member
Heard a lot of sour notes about the VS series since I got here. Just wondering how those of you who don't like the VS are tracking? ProTools? Cakewalk? Other DAWS? ADAT? Analog?

Let me know. I also wonder how many of you who dislike the VS series have had any serious time with the machine? There are things that aren't the greatest (like the preamps), but there's a lot of power under the hood for those willing to put in the time and pay their dues. I've been using the VS series (3 different models) since 1996. Been with the 1680 for coming up on two years. Still don't know my way around everything, but I am always discovering new tricks that I am more than willing to pass along to fellow users.

Looking forward to hearing from you all ~ NattyB
I have a VS880EX and I think it's a great little machine. Unfortunately I have Cakewalk and an analog 8 track, so the 880 just sits most of the time. But I still like it and WILL use it someday.
Thanks, Monty. Definitely use the FX from that 880EX. Some good stuff in there. Do you play guitar at all? You can create some killer sounds with the onboard FX, even if you just have acoustic electric.

I use two Adats and Logic. I wish this forum had a Logic section-it is much better than Cubase which I used to use. Rock On!
Natty...funny you should mention the effects. Half the reason I bought one was because of the effects. For guitar, however, I prefer the POD, unless it's a clean sound. When I first had it, I thought the guitar distortion effects were pretty good, but they don't compare to the POD. I am amazed, though, at the number of adjustable parameters within each of the factory settings. People who don't have one, don't realize that. I've used the effects while recording to an analog deck and Cakewalk also. I also use the VSPro Toolbox with it.
I never got a VS because of the $$$. I use Cakewalk to do midi sequencing, then run the midi to a Tascam 564 digital 4 track to add vocals.
I use 2 ADATs ...
Never once tried a VS so no way I can dislike it ... but I have had a thought or two about getting a portable deal to take up to the cabin with me. That would be sweet. If only I had $$ to burn...
I record direct to PC with a GINA card. For mobile applications I use the "Monkey Method" which, for the benefit of you Planeteers is recording direct to CDR with a standalone CDRW drive.
There's plenty of folks here using Portastudios and reel to reel machines of various sizes.
I've seen Roland demonstrate the VS stuff at NAMM (they had most of a whole wing of the convention center) and it sure is impressive all the cool stuff you can do with it, but the user interface is just a bit shy of user-friendly.
And dollar for dollar- you can pack more value into a PC recording package than a VS.
Any audio gadget that costs as much as the VS should have pres that people would want to use even if they didn't want to use the rest of the VS- does that make any sense?
Yes, drstawl, it makes sense. In the VS studios the editing functions are tedious for sure. Having said that, if you can select a recording buss and mash play & record, you can track on most VS machines. The editing functions are the commitment.

The opamps in the mic pres are fairly easy to change, I'm told, but most of us use external units to bypass 'em with. Can't disagree with the last statement you made at all.

I never enjoyed mouse mixing, but the operation of a Virtual Studio is very reminiscent of my old 4 track fostex days.

Would just like to mention here in case somebody missed the other 500 times I've mentioned it; The VSPro Toolbox can make the VS's much more user friendly. Costs $150 US last time I heard.
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