How would you describe this tune?


New member
Greetings everyone!

I've been exploring some new sounds and I've come up with a song that I think is pretty interesting.

My problem is that I'd like to 'promote' it on the internet, but I don't know a good way to describe its style.

Please, if you have a moment, would you consider giving it a listen and letting me know how YOU would describe my latest song?

It is called 'Winter Opened My Eyes', and it can be found at

Thanks in advance!


PS - I just bought Cool Edit Pro 2.0! Very nice!

This one's for Gidge:


Maybe I missed something here. The description of
the 'MP3 mixing clinic' forum indicates that it is a place for people to discuss/share songs that they've produced?

Am I wrong about this?

I guess I'm just a bit confused as to why you would respond with 'I'd call it 'spam''.

Please enlighten me.....

hey Pop,

dont sweat gidge.. he probably said that because your stuff is for sale... he says some stupid things, but it can be very funny sometimes..

I have heard your tunes before and this one was pretty cool also. I remember the Lennon tribute and I liked that a lot. I think you know what to call this because you described it on the page pretty well..

Cant really offer any mix tips because it sounds really good IMOP. Is that a trumpet?

Very chill, laid back smoking song.. :cool:


(a.k.a. B.Sabbath)

Gidge....go away you prick...go and play in your fucked up mic forum ....
Great Groove!

I love it when that trumpet comes in!

Great tune! I don't know, maybe it can be classified as a mix of ambiant pop (the good kind) ... This song is just very chill! Total mood music!

I'm going to check out more of your stuff when I get the chance. I noticed your shout out's to XTC, Beatles, Queen, etc...all my same influences as well.

This is great stuff! Keep up the good work!
Feel ...

I know you didn't ask about this tune, but I just checked out Feel and that totally has a great groove to it as well ... I like that Lennon progression that comes in about 1:30 and again later ...

Cool bass line, nice break with the ringing bell ... good vocals ... I like it a lot!

Great arrangement of the entire piece.

I really dig your stuff, man!
Hi Jason,
I listened to Winter Opened My Eyes. Very well done, for sure, sort of Electronica, or, music for a movie or something (the horn or trumpet sounds make it a bit too Showtime movie, I think, just my opinion). Still, you're arranging of the sounds is very good. I also listened to Feel and Asphalt And Glasses. Being a Beatle fan, I can appreciate those (more). Very well done nice tunes. On Asphalt, though obviously Beatley/Lennony, you sort of sound like Donavan (or even Rufus Wainright (sp?) ). Also kinda Beach Boyish at the end, nice vocal harmonies. If I were to make a suggestion, maybe have it kick in sooner, and also, lose the Madoona reference! Feel also very nice and Beatley. Good sounds and textures and all that, though I think you might get sued for the Dear Prudence bit!

Anyway, good job (what's yer gear, etc?), green apples forever, and you look like Sean in that photo. :)

A big THANK YOU to macle, boydrj, mixmkr, and samicide!! You have all restored my faith in the helpful, positive nature of this forum. I was kind of upset last night because of Gidge's comment, because I hate spam (and I don't like being misunderstood and flammed either).

All of your comments were greatly appreciated, so here are some thoughts and comments in reply:

- I'm tempted to describe 'Winter' as 'organic trance' music. I wanted the track to still feel 'human' even thought it is based on a loop, so I overdubbed 5 separate tracks of real percussion. Then I added 8 different tracks of clarinet and trumpet (played by a couple of friends), along with my bass, vocals, and guitar bits. I'm glad that you all saw some promise in this experiment of mine.

- As for recording equipment, I record everything with Cool Edit Pro on a P-III, 800MHz PC. I use just one mic (a RODE NT-1), an Alesis NanoVerb, and an ART Tube-MP mic pre. Nothing fancy.

- I think I need to move away from my Beatle's influences for a while. I've gotten it out of my system, so now I want to explore the musical territory hinted at in 'The Soft Bulletin' (by the Flaming Lips) and 'Spirit of Eden' (by Talk Talk).

- As for the 'Madonna' reference in 'Asphalt and Glasses'.... Yes, it is jarring and awkward. But I wrote and recorded the song in one night (in rememberance of the 20th anniversary of his murder), and so I just went with my first instincts on the lyric. Lyrically, I was trying to convey how much of our modern lives (good and bad) John would have no idea about. I mean, he died before the advent of AIDS, PC's, The Internet, U2, raving, The Demise of the USSR, cell phones, Madonna, Prince, R.E.M., rap, .... even home recording! It just amazed me that night, I guess.

Sorry to ramble on so much.

Thanks again for erasing Gidge's repugnance!

repugnance? going get a dictionary and ill be back to respond.....

ps...alot of people come post here just to get hits at their site.....i view this forum as a place to get feedback on mixes and yours are already on CD for sale, i dont see where our comments would make much of a difference.....

if your intent is on the "up and up" i apologize......but i doubt that is the case.....
hey Gidge

the sign on the door says,MP3 Mixing Clinic - Do you have something worth listening to? Convert it to Mp3, post it to your website, and tell us where we can listen to it.

Thats what he did.. and it was worth listening to...It's cool.. :cool:


There are a million things that I could say in response to your hazy assumptions. But I don't feel like I need to explain myself to you.

Two things, however, are clear to me:

1) You are wrong about my motives.
2) You are not worthy of the time it would take me to explain myself, or to explain why I was posting something to this forum.

Well, i could swore i listened to these "new sounds" back in i wrong?......
Gidge, the only posts in this thread that are spam belong to you. Spam isn't always about just trying to sell something, spam can also be posts that are counter-productive. The only thing that spam-accusations have been productive in doing is creating hurt feelings and making people not want to come back to the bbs, otherwise it just start off endless arguments and slllloooooooowwwwsss things down.

Poprocket didn't say if he wanted mixing tips or not, he wanted to share something that he has worked on and ask what to label it, for marketing purposes. Maybe that moreso belongs in the biz forum but that's a grey area categorization and he's also new here and doesn't have all of the categories worked out.

Now to get back to being productive....

Poprocket- The winter opened my eyes song to me sounded like avante-guard-electro-cool-jazz to me. Try to market that.

It sounded a little spy like.
It sounded a little jazzy.
It sounded electronic.

A little off the topic. Is that bass sound a Yamaha Motif? Or is it a real bass guitar? (or neither...)

I also listened to a few of your other songs. They sound completely different. If you are trying to market your album, it might be a mistake to market it from the sound of the winter song.

If you are moving moreso in the style of the winter song and trying to figure out what kind of style you are moving towards, then rock on.


I'm an electronica dude, so I loved this track. I'm with sal about it being a bit jazzy, a bit spacey, a bit electronic. I'd probably classify it as Acid Jazz, straight up. I have yet to check your other tracks, so I don't know how this one relates, but suffice to say, I hope they're all alot like this cause I'm diggin it, big like. You mentioned most of the percussion is loop based, what program you using, just CEP??? Where you gettin all your sounds (perc) from??? I like what you've done with the harmonic vocal as well, phaser/flanger??

Hey, nice work man. I think Gidge wouldn't have been so harsh if your post count didn't seem like you've just come here to plaster your tunes. I'm not assuming that's what you are in fact doing, it just appears that way and you'll always get a collllld response from this BBS if it looks that way, just stick around a lil bit and contribute to some other forums and you'll be plenty liked, ya know?

in gidges defense I was a tad confused myself when I saw the thread...becuase I've listened to all of the stuff before as Gidge said..a while back..

but, I've talked to Jason several times and know he is a good guy...great work as you know. later

Thanks to everyone else who has joined in here. I will confess that I am new to all these different forums, but hopefully I will learn 'my place' around here.

On a different matter, the bass guitar on 'Winter Opened My Eyes' is just my cheap DanElectro DI'd through my ART Tube-MP.

And as for the layers of percussion on that song, they are all me except for the single 'electronic' loop which the song is based on. To make it more human or organic sounding I overdubbed several tracks of different kinds of shakers, a triangle, a box hit with a kick pedal, drum sticks clicking together, and small pieces of metal being struck. Actually, it was a LOT of fun, looking back on it. Also, everything was done in Cool Edit Pro 1.1, but I just bought version 2.0, which seems great so far....

As for the style of the song. That is the big question for me, and the reason I asked in the first place. Several of you mentioned how different my songs sound in relation to each other. And, quite frankly, I'm starting to struggle with this. Part of me just wants to follow all of my musical interests (funk one day, power pop the next, followed by ambient trance). But if I continue doing this I'm afraid I'll never have any 'established identity'. And, these days, if you don't fit into a clearly defined musical slot, it seems much harder to share your music.

Maybe I'm wrong. And maybe this is too philosophical a discussion for this forum. I guess I'm just wondering if I should start focusing on a 'genre'.

But there's not really a genre called 'ambient-electronic-pseudo-trance-jazz-trip-pop' anyway, now is there? :-)

Thanks again for all your kind input.

unfortunately I have to agree with you Jason...

very very few artists are able to do *anything* they want (radiohead comes to mind).

But it all depends on your goals....if you want to be a rock star, then I would say start honing in on a genre..

But, you are a father (i believe?) and...if you just want to make music for the sake of making good music...then, in the words of Cyan "funk on" hehe.


I'm glad to hear that my previously-mentioned quandry is one that others recognize too.

And, yes, you remember correctly that I am a husband and father FIRST, a 'world-touring rock ma-chine' SECOND.

Actually, like most of us here, I am not in this for anything other than fun and personal expression/enjoyment. It's just that, with all the doors open to us because of the 'net, sometimes I'm just itchin' to get my stuff 'out there', because I love it when people enjoy my tunes.

Good talking with you!

Shine on,
