how too...


New member
hello new to this forum and i even have a question. im considering purchasing an hd24xr. what i would like to do is record and mix on my mackie 32/8 analog board then bounce my mix (all tracks in their own waves files of course) to computer for editing. can i do this with the hd24xr? suppose i had a song with 12 tracks... would i have to play them through the board and re-record them to tracks 12-24 before i could get my mix into the alesis so i can transfer the files to computer? or is there an easier way to do this? any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. yes i still love the old analog board but the computer for editing and effects is too good to pass up.
There are several ways to get HD tracks into a computer. If you have a NIC card in your computer, you can connect the HD24 with an RJ-45 cross- connect cable and make FTP transfers (it's kind of slow this way but it works). The Alesis Fireport is faster, which is a second method. Personally, I use a MOTU 2408mkII connected to the HD24 via a Lightpipe connection and go in in real time digitally. All three methods will transfer tracks equilly well.

thanks, i appreciate your responce but perhaps i wasnt clear enough on what i would like to do. i understand completely how to get tracks from the hd24 to the computer, i intend on getting the firewire port as soon as i can. but what i wanted to do was to get the files into my computer with my analog board mix intact. i would like to eq everything on my analog and send eqed files to the computer i just dont like to do the eq stuff on the computer. the purpose of the example i made earlier was to take 12 tracks, eq them with my mackie board, then loop them through the board to re-record them on seperate tracks to have my eq intact on the wave files before bouncing to computer. short of buying a second hd24 to bounce to i was just looking to see if there would be an easier way to do this. thanks again, for any help/ideas are greatly appreciated.
your idea about looping them back to the HD24, 12 tracks at a time, sounds like the best idea in my ears! I can't really think of an alternative way of doing it. Actually, if you have a sound card with the capability to record 16, or yet better, 24 tracks of adat lightpipe (I highly recommend the RME Hammerfall!! There's a new version of it now, so the old ones are sold very cheap second hand. I have one of the older cards and it's totally amazing! You can probably get it for $200 or something), you can just put track 13-24 in record enable mood, turn off the auto input thing, and play the tracks back while recording them at the same time into cubase or whatever program you use. That way, you have to play each song two times, but you will not be restricted into doing only 12 tracks per song, you can use all the tracks without having to compromise in any way.
Just keep your fingers away from the Rec button on the HD24, hehe....