How to vary audio effects throughout a track?


New member
I'm a novice with Ableton and am working on a guitar project where I'm covering 2 albums (23 songs) with dual guitars. I'm filming and recording in sessions of 4 songs per take (using Ableton). My plan is to edit the guitar recordings in Ableton to get the best sounding tones and then export the audio and marry with the videos in Premier Pro. However, I can't seem to find a way to vary audio effects within a single audio track in Ableton. For example, I'd like to use different amps or cabinets for the guitar parts in different songs or even within the same song (like for solos). Is there a way to do this without cutting up the audio tracks, which have 4 songs each? I'm sure I could do by breaking up the songs into different audio tracks, but I'm trying to see if there's a simpler way. Please help.
I know nothing of Ableton but I'm certain there's some sort of automation system that you would have to learn. Unless you're wanting to do this on the fly?
I was also coming here to suggest some sort of "Automation", but I don't use Ableton or know what it can or can't do. "Automation" in Reaper could Turn On/Off FX and change Settings/Etc...
Well, many different ways to do this. I can give you a couple:

Amps: Put several amps on the track, record device on/off as you go through the song.

Effects, once again, you can adjust the effect "knob" and record the action as the song goes. Since you will be playing, I suggest get everything recorded as you want then "automate" the devices.

You could also just copy the analog track to another track and add the amp to the track, cut from other tracks you don't want played.

You can either do this in real time, or you an expose/view the automation lanes and adjust there.

This should get you started:
I'm a novice with Ableton and am working on a guitar project where I'm covering 2 albums (23 songs) with dual guitars. I'm filming and recording in sessions of 4 songs per take (using Ableton). My plan is to edit the guitar recordings in Ableton to get the best sounding tones and then export the audio and marry with the videos in Premier Pro. However, I can't seem to find a way to vary audio effects within a single audio track in Ableton. For example, I'd like to use different amps or cabinets for the guitar parts in different songs or even within the same song (like for solos). Is there a way to do this without cutting up the audio tracks, which have 4 songs each? I'm sure I could do by breaking up the songs into different audio tracks, but I'm trying to see if there's a simpler way. Please help.
What are you using for Effects? What Guitars Amps are you using -Hardware or software? If software throughout it’s easy - just automate the process - if hardware just record on Track straight through - then reamp the different parts you want along with the Effect you want - then record it to separate track.