How to Use STEREO TRACKS on BR-1600? Help...


New member
Hi all,
With my Boss BR-1600 the 9/10-15/16 stereo tracks need a little help. So if I want to record a mono guitar track, can I use one of these? When I do it shows up panned hard left or right. I don't know much about using stereo tracks, except to bounce or mixdown to.

In short, what's the best way to utilize these stereo tracks in the recording process considering I won't be recording many stereo sources. Should I just do drum and guitar sub-mixes to them? Can you record a stereo source to one and have any panning control later? Thanks!
You would generally use them for recording "stereo" sources or doing submixes. The fact that they're stereo shouldn't inhibit your ability to pan the separate tracks anywhere you want within a mix. I'm not familiar with you rmachine, however.

I've always avoided machines that have stereo tracks... too limiting for me.