How to use chorus

Use it sparingly, just a touch or you'll get that underwater sound like on the old 60s song "Moles". It's very tempting to overdo chorus on vocals because there seems to be a fine line between when you can hear the effect and when you can't. But you should apply it until you can hear it almost ridiculously, then start backing off until you can barely hear it. Then back it off a touch from there. It may seem like nothing is happening, but depending on your mix, it'll be having it's effect. I've learned my lessons from past chorus overkill and unless you specifically want an over the top effect, it sounds awful and you'll probably regret it once the initial novelty has worn off.
As an aside, I find that delay does a better job of thickening vocals. In any case, you'll need to experiment with the three settings to see how each affects the sound and mess about until you find what you like.
I'd have to agree with Grim here about the small amount.

also i agree that if i want to fatten vocals i typically dont do it with chorus, though i know it is practiced... i tend to reach for delay's, reverbs, and EQs
I personally hate chorus. If you wanna fatten your vocals, just double track them, if you have the skills. Parallel compression works pretty good on vocals too.
I personally hate chorus. If you wanna fatten your vocals, just double track them, if you have the skills. Parallel compression works pretty good on vocals too.
Personally, I'm no fan of chorus. I don't like it on guitars although a touch on an overdriven bass isn't beyond my scope. I actually hate it on vocals. But the OP did ask specifically about using it to thicken vocals. I hope they dig it more than I've ever done ! ;)
I don't like chorus on pretty much anything. To my ears, it's one of those effects that can make the song sound really dated and cheesy.
Yeah, if fattening is your goal, delay will be much better. If you want a chorusy effect, that's when I'd reach for the chorus.
I don't like chorus on pretty much anything. To my ears, it's one of those effects that can make the song sound really dated and cheesy.

Yeah, I find chorus always dates a song back to the late-70's/early-80's. It's the corniest sound I know, especially on guitar.
I worry less about the dated~ness and more about that I just dislike the sound. To be fair, in tiny smidgens on some things it can pass by unnoticed. I prefer flangers and phasers on guitars for a bit of swirliness. And a 12 string or double tracked 6 string panned to the same place or very close nearly always beats chorus.