How to turn laptop mic off?


New member
Hi, I'm new to this board and have a question that I've asked on a few different forums and so far no one has been able to solve the mystery.
My husband and I are just beginners with all this computer recording stuff and before we've even started we've hit this glitch.
Here is the post we have put up on other boards.

>>>I have downloaded a number of different audio recording programs for my laptop and yes they were working fine, that is until I decided to start playing.......
When playing back a recorded track while recording another track we couldnt get the new track to play though the headphones at the same time as a track already recorded. Are you following me here? In other words we wanted to monitor what was already recorded while laying down the new track. Looks as though I have fixed that issue, but in the process I have created another irritating problem. Now whenever I try to record anything the damn inbuilt microphone in the laptop is enabled and picking up all of the background noise, and no matter what I have tried I cant seem to remedy this situation. I am not a very patient person and this computer is heading for a nice long throw off the verandah onto the cement below. ANy advice much appreciated. Thanks. The computer is an IBM T22 Thinkpad.


We have tried to locate where to turn the mic OFF but it's nowhere to be found on his computer.
Can anyone please help us out here ?
Try this if you haven't already:

Windows OS, right? Which one? Here's where I find it in XP.

Start Menu -> Program Files -> Accessories -> Entertainment? -> Volume Control. Open the volume control.

Do you see a volume slider there for Microphone? If yes, hit the "mute" box under it. If not:

Options Menu -> Properties

Is there a Microphone check box availible? If so, check it. Then go back to your Volume Control. The slider should be there now- slide it all the way down or hit the mute box.

If that's not it I'm not sure what it might be.

Good luck,
Thanks Chris. :)
unfortunately, though this seems the most logical advice and has been offered several times before it seems this laptop is devoid of a mute button ! :(

You could try a somewhat heavier handed approach. You are taking your life into your own hands by doing this...

Right click on "My Computer" and go to properties. In there should be a tab for "Device Manager" or hardware. Open the device manager.

Look for something like "sound and audio devices" or "Multimedia devices"- open that up and see if one of the devices listed is named somehthing like a microphone...

Right click on it...hold your breath...and click "disable"

You might finding it under "System Devices", too. IN fact, you might look there first. I don't have a mic on my laptop, but I found my "system speaker" there so you might find the mic there, too.

If that doesn't do the trick, be sure to enable that device again before you try something else.

Take care,
Chris, I will show your post to my husband tonight and see what he says. He might have already tried that too. :( I know he was at the point with it where he was sporting keyboard indentations in his forehead .
I know NOTHING about computers so I'm just a go between at the moment. He WORKS with them so I'm surprised he can't figure this out.
I sure hope we CAN get it working co's I'm just itching to try and get some of my stuff sounding half decent on a CD.
I'm already impressed with how my hubby totally removed all the "hiss" from the stuff I'd recorded on 4 track. Magic ! :)
anyway, thanks again.
It's fixed ! :)
Don't know WHAT he did ( he was a bit vague in telling me - I guess it was something like when he can't find the coffee in the cupboard) - where's the roll eyes thingy ?!?
Anyway...we're up and running now !