How to transfer audio from portastudio to computer


New member
I'm new to the whole audio recording concept, so sorry if I don't word things right. I have a TASAM DP-02CF and an Alesis SR-18 that I record with. I have a computer but no space for a full setup at the computer. Is there a way to transfer the audio files from the recorder to computer for mixing? Do I need an audio interface to do this?
For the DP-02CF, no. You can export the individual tracks and then use the USB connection to copy the files to the computer. Or, if you have mastered the song to two tracks, you can just export the song and copy that via USB. I'm not familiar with the Alesis, so somebody else will have to field that one.
If your not that concerned with sound quality you can run from the out of your set to the line or mic in to the comp and use a free program called Audacity.