How to take the mudd out of vocals?


New member
I'm tracking vocals with a Shure KSM32 condenser mic...and vocals seem too thick and "muddy" to me. This causes me to raise the volume of the vocals so you can hear them better, but then the beat doesn't seem to sound loud enough (in some songs). Consequently, the "mudd" causes the vocals not sit right in the mix.

I am using cakewalk pro audio 9 so i can't really dial it in that great (no realtime effects). I also have eq on my mixer (Tascam DM1000). Trouble there is, is that when i make my adjustments on the mixer, i'm using headphones and my voice...i'm the producer/engineer not a rapper/vocalist. And I know that everybody is different and should be treated so, but i'm just looking for an overall idea.

Is there a certain eq band or bands that I should be focusing on? I've heard a few different ideas and played around a bit, but have not found a "sweet spot" yet. Can someone point me in the right direction to "de-muddify" my microphone! Pleeeeeaaassseeee!!! Thanks!
If the track sounds muddy soloed, try sweeping 100-500hz with a narrow boost.When the track starts getting muddier, cut that frequency.If that isn't quite getting it, widen the Q and try again.Also, a small boost around 1-3 khz can help a track cut through.If the track doesn't sound muddy soloed, but does in the mix, cut instruments that are clashing with the 'body' frequency range of the vocals, 100- 500 hz.Add tracks to the vocal track one at a time and listen for build up in the low mids.Cut offending tracks in that frequency range.
the ksm32 is a nice full sounding mic..
are you tracking with a the HP on?
boost 3-7k by 3-5db and cut between 250-500. that should boost some vocal presence and take away some mud..

what type of pre are you using? what type of monitors? how the acoustics of the room?
Thanks for the info...I'm using the mic pre in my tascam tm-d1000 mixer and using roland ds90a's for monitoring. I've had the monitors for a year or so, but i don't like them all that much...NEED MORE BASS...they only have a 6in woofer and don't give me the bottom end that i want. I want to get the event 20/20 bas's. The acousic's in the room aren't the greatest.'re right, it is a very full sounding mic...I will try some of the things that were suggested. Thanks for the feedback.
upgrade your pre and you'll hear a difference.. i have a tascam m2600 console. the pres in it sound good.. but my outboard pre just gives a overall better sound.. open hi end not dull sounding like my console. full mid and mid/lows

a ksm32 and a grace 101 is a very clean, natural sounding setup... might wanna check into it...

Event 20/20's
comming from someone that uses 20/20 daily... its gonna take you some time to learn them... and what ever you do.. if your room doesn't have good acoustics.. DON'T MIX IN A SQUARE ROOM!!!
20/20's in a bad acoustic space bounce like crazy.. slap back almost..