How to sync

The First Don

New member
I dont know anything about MIDI. I was wondering if it could be used to sync up two seperate multi track recorders. So that one multi track could play back tracks while the other one records.
bigwillz24 said:
MMC MTC or Beatclock...

Look for those in your manuals then set one as master and the other as slave...

this is only IF your two machines understand MIDI. Most digital or analog tape machines don' probably want to look into learning about syncing each to a SMPTE time code source.
If my machines support MMC then what do i need to get them to sync? Do i just need to buy a cable and then program them?

Both of the manuals say that each machine is capable of being a master but not a slave under the title heading, "Synchronizing playback with a MIDI sequencer." But under the title heading, "Using MMC" it doesn't say anything about serving as a master or a slave. It says that the machine can give the commands (such as play) but it doesn't say anything about reception of commands. Does this mean its impossible to use the MMC for this?

I only have one machine so far. Is there a multitrack recorder with slave capabilities that is compatible with Boss that you recommend? I need 8-16 tracks.

Who manufactures a SMPTE time coding source?
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