How to stop blowing your voice out!


New member
Lately when I sing, I warm up for a while, and then my range is good for about an hour, then things start to get rough. Hard to reach the high notes, etc. Is there any special liquid I should be sipping to coat my throat between songs? Any ideas, tips would be appreciated. Thanks.
The mystery liquid to extend your endurance and vocal range is good ole sweat. I wouldn't try drinking it:), creating it is the trick. There is nothing better to improve your singing than becoming a runner or a swimmer and doing lots of stomach crunches. Once you improve your wind, then run through scales and practice your phonetics and pronuciation. Just like your other muscles, your vocal chords can be overworked so do this every other day and give them time to rest.
misterx! dont wanna discourage you , but...if you have good vocal chords you shouldnt have those problems you're talking about...I personally think that, first of've gotta have it in your self and practice can just make those matters better....but if your chords aren't good enough to go, let's say, for one set of 15-20 songs when you perform live, sorry my friend but I think it's just a bad luck :( ... I never took a singing lesson in my life , and ppl think that I'm a pretty good singer (I don't anyway :D), but again I think it all comes down to having "the goods"..
Keep working dude, don't give up....all the best
I had the exact same problem MisterX and Morningstar is 100% correct. It's ALL about the wind when it comes to singing. I took like 5 lessons and it made a world of difference. Singing should actually be almost effortless, like talking. The way our bodies make our voice is through the flow of air, almost nothing to do with the chest, throat and cheeks, they should be very relaxed. It's the good old saying about singing from your gut. The diaphragm is the controller. It makes your chest do what it should, it pushes the air over your vocal chords to produce the sound, if your breathing correctly. The diaphragm IS what makes us breathe and if it isn't being used properly or is weak you will continue to have this problem. It's so fixable though. Just learn to breathe correctly and excercise does help (Your body defaults to breathing correctly during excercise) and once this becomes natural it transfers right into singing. I'm glad Roker never had to take lessons (lucky sod ;) ) but I think they can be extremely beneficial, especially to correct bad habits. Good Luck! :D
Thanks for the comments.

Interesting, I'm a big guy, and there a ton of very heavy, out of shape singers that can sing all night, so I don't agree about the being a runner or swimmer thing. BUT I agree any excersize is good for the body and could only help overall.

I took voice lessons in my teens, no problem with the breathing. It just seems my voice after a while singing, tends to get lower, due to the throat muscles getting relaxed. This is normal for singers. My voice or my throat tends to get dry, scratchy over a period of time. Usually starts to kick in about an hour or so into a gig.

When I sip warm water, it helps the situation but I could of sworn I read "somewhere" about a liquid that when sipped on in beteen songs, helps soothe the vocal chords, keeps them "healthier" during a gig. I'm thinking it might have been warm tea with honey. Can anyone comments on this? Thanks.
No idea MisterX. Tea with lemon is great for your throat when you have a cold. Maybe worth a shot for singing, but don't know :confused:
Smoke more. It will give your voice a uniqueness like nothing else. And people will like how you smell.

O yeah, and it makes you look cool too!
Apart from cigs it's all about technique. A good singer uses the diaphragm and an untrained siner uses their throat. Throat singing kills you pretty quickly.
Tex pretty much hit the nail right on the head. For a bit of interesting discussion on this, do a search for "Bel Canto" using the search feature in this BBS. It involves some discussion about a couple of different but similar singing techniques - both designed to promote longevity in one's singing voice.

The thread was about three weeks ago....

my oldest brother has been singin in bands for oh....seems like 20 yrs or so...he has agreat voice btw....anyhoo..he swears by sippin (i mean i tiny bit)..of some sorta blackberry apart from this he doesnt even drink so you get the pic on how much brandy were talkin here...andif you all could hear him..i guarantee youd try it......just a thought..

eddie vedder sings it better