How to setup up Behringer UCA222 to mixer?


New member
I have a Behringer UCA-222 and I need to hook it up to a Behringer mixer (Behringer XENYX 1002B).

Please can you tell me what cables I need and how to plug them together etc?
Here's a picture of the mixer;

Here's a picture of the UCA;

Also, how should I connect my monitors (cheap Behringer MS16s) to my mixer?
And is it ok to connect my electric guitar to my amp, then the amp line out to the mixer line in? would that work?

Sorry for the amount of questions; any answer would help!
Im a newbie, so try and keep the answers simple! :o

The UCA222 has RCA ins and outs, so I would use cables with a 1/4" plug on one end and a RCA plug on the other to connect your mixer's main L & R outputs to the inputs of the UCA222.

You can connect your monitors to your mixer using regular RCA to RCA cables using the 2-track output.

The line out of your guitar amp to a line in on your mixer should work fine, but most folks that I know prefer the tone that you get by miking the amp instead of using the line out. But that's a matter of taste.
A pair of stereo RCA cables will work. Just hook your XENYX to your UCA using the jacks labeled 2 track in/outs.

You monitors hook them to the main Left and Right out on your mixer.

In the future if you want to multi track somethings that doesn't have it's own speakers such as digital drums or a keyboard you might want to use the mixer's FX send bus to go to one of your monitors while you track so that you can hear yourself with out using the your DAW software's monitoring setup.


Thank you for the replies!
One more question:
Will the mixer shown be good to record singing and guitar, and then adding in drums after and maybe more singing for the harmonies?
Thanks! :D