How to Setup: Delta 44 and Mackie 1202?


New member
Hello, I just recieved my Delta 44 soundcard in the mail today. I'm geeked. I was wondering if anybody had any advice about how to setup my system to best use the features of my setup. I've been using the current setup with just the soundblaster but I am totally new to multiple inputs and outputs.

Mackie 1202 VLZ
M-Audio Delta 44
Sound Blaster Platinum
Cakewalk Pro-Audio 9
Boss Dr770 Drum Machine
AT3525 Condensor
Various dynamic mics
Fender HotRod Deluxe Guitar Tube Amp

I am mostly concerned with recording vocals, drum machine, guitars, basses, and a little midi. Are there any good diagrams that illustrate how to route the mackie into a multiple input soundcard so that you can use separate sources(busses?) ie: close mic a guitar amp in one channel, room mic on another channel record both sources separately at the same time.
Thanks for any help....