How to sample


New member
I have fruity loops and acid and I want to make beats by using samples. Im not sure how to do that though. I really dont know anything about it. If I make a drum loop in fruity loops and have a sample to open in acid, what do I do? Should I chop the sample? How do I get the drum loop in line with the sample? What all can you do with acid? Is it just for mixing? I need help. Thanks for any tips.

PS: I dont really wanna read a lot of technical stuff, just give me a basic formula on how to sample.
one more thing...when I chop a part of a sample, theres a short pause when I put it into the song, how do I get rid of the pause?
fatboyz said:
one more thing...when I chop a part of a sample, theres a short pause when I put it into the song, how do I get rid of the pause?

That is why I told you to get Sound Forge.

You will need to edit your samples. Meaning, truncate (chop-off) the dead air space (or other material) from the beginning and ending of your samples.
That makes sense on the front side (attack) of the sample, but it's not as clear on the decay end when to snip it.

What should guide the decision of when to cut off the sample on the decay side?
drstawl said:
.....What should guide the decision of when to cut off the sample on the decay side?

That is a good and valid point, drstawl. The answer will weigh on the answers that fatboyz supplies us.

1. What kind of music are you sampling?
2. What kind of music are you trying to create?
3. What are you trying to do with the sampled music (refer to question #4)?
4. Are you trying to make a two, four, eigth, sixteen, or 32 beat loop? Are you sampling live music? Are you sampling from the middle of a song? Does it contain a beat? Or are you trying to make a "One-Shot" sample? Or.... are you trying to sample an entire song?

You will need to give us a detailed explanation of what you are trying to accomplish. ;)

I/we can give you detailed explanations (of a myriad of sampling situations). But to help save time, you should give us a real life example of what you are trying to do... :cool:

