How to record voice?


New member
I am very good at recording my guitar but have never recorded voice before. I am making an instructional guitar video and need to have decent voice quality. I plan on using my Studio Project C1 for the voice. It will go into either a RNP Preamp or Great River 1NV. From there into my Lynx2 sound card.

So would I place the mic at the same position as the video camera. Mainly I need advice on the mic placement.


You put the mic where it sounds good. You put the video camera where it looks good. The two are rarely if ever the same.

You might try to get your hands on a lavaliere mic...
+1 on Massive's comment. You want your VO track to be clear & strong. That happens from getting the voice mic close to you.

You might try something like the Audio Technica AT831 (or ATR35 if you're on a budget).
Like ALL instruments the loudest point isn't always the best sounding point....

so dont presume putting it close to your mouth that you'll get a good sound... it all depends on your mic too... , u cant put a condenser mic right up to your lips, but if it were a dynamic mic, fuck, swallow the damn thing if you want to.... but try around and figure it out... the loudest point isn't the best point !!!!

and put the camera where it shows your good side !