How to Record Keyboards


New member
A friend of mine is going to add some keyboard parts to some of my songs. Do I run it through the DMP3 preamp, or should I go right into the VS840 deck? How about the RNC?

Thanks guys
run it through the DMP3, or even better, run it through a direct box, and then the DMP3.

i don't even bother with compressors during recording unless i am not in control of the situation. since i record to midi where i can midi-compress the notes, i don't need to use a compressor for recording keyboards.
I don't have a direct box, but now I will run it through the DMP3. I'm glad I asked, I think of the DMP3 as a mic pre-amp and need to expand my thinking a little.

Hey, crossstudio, while I'm thinking about it....

I bought a Sansamp PSA-1 for recording guitar and bass direct. Is that something that I might want to use with my pre-amp also, or would a unit like that generally be used alone when recording bass and/or guitar?

Thanks again
that kind of box could potentially work well for your keyboard. hard to say though..

I use an Avalon U5 direct box which is really made for bass/guitar, but it is great with synths too.

worth a shot.
I've always ran keyboards direct into the console for analog. I think miking a stereo digital piano would sound good too if you can capture some of the room if it's apropriate for the song and the speakers are decent.

One of these days I'm going to try that.
crosstudio said:
run it through the DMP3, or even better, run it through a direct box, and then the DMP3.

Huh? Why would you use a direct box on a line level signal? You want to knock it down to mic level then run it through a preamp to boost it again? Usually you use a Direct box on instrument level stuff (guitars, bass) but only when you need to run the signal more than about 15ft.

First try direct to the recorder and if you have enough gain you are all set. If you need a bit of a boost then run it through the DMP3.
And then when you have it nailed, you find a really nice room and place an agreeable pair or speakers in it in front of a more than half decent pair of microphones set up in Blumelein configuration. And then you play back the keyboard part and rerecord it using the blumelein mics. At least thats what Bruce Swedien would have done, or so I hear... :)
my understanding is that the direct box is used if you have a long cable run from the keyboard to the recorder.

i assumed that his friend was bringing the keyboard in with him, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he will be more than 10 feet away from the recorder.

i have a whirlwind director direct box, a sansamp classic guitar DI, and a sansamp bass DI. i dig them all.

ps. there are several hip-hop producers that swear that they get a better sound from their samplers and drum machines when they flip from line to mic-level and then go through the pre-amp.
haha...substractor....that's gotta be the best freakin' avatar I've seen....:D :D ...oopss sorry off the topic huh???..Soz
We'll be close to the deck when recording. If the level seems at all weak I'll try it. Thanks for all the responses.
Roker1 said:
haha...substractor....that's gotta be the best freakin' avatar I've seen....:D :D ...oopss sorry off the topic huh???..Soz

Is there some website where people get those avatars, or are they home-made?