how to record audio from midi track?

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in cakewalk it's easy just assign the source to audio source then play that miditrack into it but whatabout cubase?
tried many times still can't figure it out

Recording audio from midi is explained in the manual under "mixing your midi tracks with the audio". What it involves is actually connecting the output from your midi source to the input of your recorder (or soundcard, or in my case, my Roland UA100). You need to make sure the other audio tracks are muted so they don't bleed onto your new track. Then set up a track to record, play the midi tracks, and record them on your new track. Clear as mud? It took me a few times before I got it down.....I had to fiddle with the input levels of my UA100 a bit, but eventually, I got it nailed, just like you will. Check the documentation in the "Getting into the Details" manual. Oh yeah, I almost forgot....for me, I had to make sure and set my UA100 to "line input". I don't know what kind of setup you have, but you might have to do that also. Hope this helps.

[This message has been edited by lkmuller (edited 03-08-2000).]