How to, or what effect is this?

its done with a auto tuner...i have alot of hiphop buddies do this cause they cant afford a talk box......but since the rapper tpain done it and made huge hit on the radio with the track he did it for everyone is using the technique now
I can't hear it right now due to various technical reasons... but....

If my memory serves me correctly (I saw the movie the other week), the vocal (as ikon says) is going through an autotune programme. Quite aggresive settings for that artificial feel (think Robbie Williams ;) ). For a FREE one download GSnap, which I know works in Cubase, and is ok for the work I do. I know of at least one other free autotune, can't remember what it's called though. Do a search for autotuners / pitch correction.

After the autotune, you'll probably want to filter the crap out of it too. I use 'Tonic' plug-in which is bundled with Cubase, but you can do this with any decent EQ by stripping out the top and bottom.

I hope that helps...