How to mix effects in midi tracks? - Home Studio 2002


New member
A seemingly simple thing to do just isn't happening for me. I'd like to add some chorus and reverb to a midi track in Home Studio 2002 on Windows XP (SB Live! card). There are sliders for these effects in the track pane and in the mixing console. When adjusted, however, nothing happens. What's going on? There is a little window at the upper left corner in the console view that says 'external' and gives the value. Does this mean anything? Please shed light - o knowledgeable ones.
- Go to AudioHQ, then the AEX configuration window, tab Master
- Pull the reverb and chorus sliders to -12.0dB, keep the original sound level intact (0.0dB)
- Now go to the tab Source
- Pull the reverb and chorus slider of each source to 0% (if you don't do this, you'll get a massive amount of chorus and delay on each source. You don't want to have that, you only want the effects on your midi)
- Save the settings, and try again in Cakewalk

Hope it works...
If you've installed it, it should be in the configurationwindow.

It's where you find your mixer, and soundfont settings too...
I have the same problem.
I have a midi track, but moving the real time sliders for reverb and chours do not work.
I have XP as well. Not sure if this program is made for XP but most other things work.

Do these real time controls envoke the reverb and chorus from my GM keyboard?
Because I am not plugging in my keyboard when I am mixing, I am using Roland VSC sounds when mixing. Those sounds are very nice, but I digress.

Do I need to have my midi keyboard connected to make these real time midi effects work?
Is there a way to avoid having to connect my GM keyboard to have these effects envoked?

