How to measure MIDI input buffer size?


New member
It seems that most companies don't make this number available for their products. Is there a utility to measure the input buffer size?

The reason I ask is that I have a Lexicon Omega that has a MIDI I/O and I'm getting buffer overrun errors from looping a V-Amp pro and Boss DR-670.
how are you set up? System common msgs should never overun a buffer so it sounds like you have an endless midi loop
altitude909 said:
disconnect the midi out, there is nothing you really need it for

I don't understand. If I disconnect the MIDI out, where does the DR-670 data go? Anyway, I tried, and I got nothing. MIDI monitor shows no activity.
altitude909 said:
what exactly are you trying to do with these devices?
The V-Amp Pro has editing software that works via MIDI; the DR-670 I use with Cubase for recording MIDI programmed drums/bass. They work *if* I hook up the DR-670 via an M-Audio UNO and the V-Amp Pro to the Lexicon's MIDI I/O, but when I try to loop them it doesn't work. I've tried using the UNO as a stand-alone interface and it doesn't work in this instance either.
but when I try to loop them it doesn't work

could you please explain that? I'm not sure what you mean.

if your talking about having both devices ins and outs connected, then you cannot do that with one midi port since you need 2 midi in's.

u should have no problem running multiple midi interfaces in cubase though (i run 4)

Also, how are u using the DR?
altitude909 said:
could you please explain that? I'm not sure what you mean.
I don't know the proper terminology. I called it a daisy chain and was chided for that on another forum. Basically, I want the two devices to share the same MIDI I/O on my Lexicon Omega. I thought I could do that since the V-Amp Pro has a MIDI THRU port.

altitude909 said:
if your talking about having both devices ins and outs connected, then you cannot do that with one midi port since you need 2 midi in's.
Is this my problem?
altitude909 said:
Also, how are u using the DR?
Again, I don't know the proper terminology for it, but it goes like this: I write the drum/bass scores in Finale's SongWriter; I export the MIDI files; I import MIDI files to Cubase; I use the DR-670 as the playback instrument on the MIDI track and record it as audio to another track. Maybe I'm using it as a softsynth? Again, I don't possess the right vocabulary.
I called it a daisy chain and was chided for that on another forum. Basically, I want the two devices to share the same MIDI I/O on my Lexicon Omega. I thought I could do that since the V-Amp Pro has a MIDI THRU port.

Chaining is the correct term and you should be able to make this work.

Your connections should be as follows: Lexicon midi out to v-amp in, v-amp thru to DR midi in, V-amp out to lexicon midi in. Now in cubase you need to make sure that your drum midi track has no input set and its midi channel is set to the same thing as the DR and not the same thing as the Vamp (i.e. DR midi channel is 10 and v amp is 1). What it sounds like you were doing is passing the inbound traffic back to the outbound port, hence the buffer overflow

I use the DR-670 as the playback instrument on the MIDI track and record it as audio to another track.

Yes that is correct.

Not being too familiar with the v-amp, technically you should not need to have the midi out routed back into cubase but it probably will be necessary for its programmer so the way I have outlined it above would allow u to use it both ways without having to disconnect everything.

Also, there is no need to connect the DR's midi out to anything since you are using it as a sound module only. You have to remember that mdi in's and out's have very little to do with each other unless there needs to be some back and forth communication between the host and instrument (which is usually only required for programing, patch dumps and so). Generally, you only need the midi in plugged in on any sound module in a sequencer setting.
altitude909 said:
Your connections should be as follows: Lexicon midi out to v-amp in, v-amp thru to DR midi in, V-amp out to lexicon midi in.

Oops. I forgot to mention that the THRU port is an OUT port, too. It's switched to be a THRU port via the hardware settings. Sorry about that.

Is it still doable?
not really.

I would connect the uno to the v-amp and then use the the lexicon midi out directly to the dr
Thanks for all of your help. I appreciate it.

BTW, why do you think they put an OUT/THRU port on that to begin with? What would be some of its uses?
well the out portion would be for when you are using the software programmer and the device needs to communicate back to the host. The thru would be available for use when you using normally in a midi chain. I have several synths that have switchable outs/thrus.

A midi out is just that, midi data coming from the device. A midi thru just sends what is being received on the midi in