How to match drums up?


New member
Hey I already recorded a song, but it doesn't have any didn't have any drums to it. Now, I just recorded the drums, and I've opened up my Sonar DAW, but I can't figure out how to match the beat of the drums to the overall song I recorded. I hope I'm making sense here.:confused:

I recorded the drums on an entirely different day than the rest of the song.
'SHOULD' be pretty simple, but there's a couple of missing details:

Did you use the recorded song as your monitor track to record the drums, or did you just record the drums from memory?

Was the song itself recorded in Sonar? Did you use a click track for the song or the drums?

If you played along with the song while recording the drums, it should be a breeze to just load the recorded song into Sonar and line up the tracks.

If you just recorded the drums from memory, and had no click track guiding the original recording or the drums, you could have a pretty huge chore ahead of you...
This is what I did: I recorded the vocal parts and the guitar parts using Sonar.

Then I went back and recorded the drums. So now what do I do?
Time to make an immersive study of a little feature called audio-snap .
Begin with the Craig Anderton review of Either Sonar 5 or 6 over at Harmony ( under the "pro-review" forum.)

He goes into the usage of pinning a clip to a tempo or pinning a tempo to a clip using audio snap . ( It will take awhile to absorb the nommenclature:eek:)

Then head over to the CW forums and there is a Sticky that has a bunch of links to you-tube vids ... look for the audio snap ones .

Crack open the manual, maybe even get the Scott garrigus book (* he has some stuff that helps at his web site )

Go to sound on sound's web archive and find the tips and tricks articles ( under "techniques") and there at least 2 nice articles there about audio-snap .

You have the weekend to get ready for the pop quiz that's on monday !!!

( don't let on as to how you might have found out about this , and ; only tell the other cool kids , not the stoners and jocks !:p)
Hey I already recorded a song, but it doesn't have any didn't have any drums to it. Now, I just recorded the drums, and I've opened up my Sonar DAW, but I can't figure out how to match the beat of the drums to the overall song I recorded. I hope I'm making sense here.:confused:

I recorded the drums on an entirely different day than the rest of the song.

We are still struggling to understand your question. Do you mean you recorded the drums using a different program, and now it doesn't match up with the Sonar tracks?

If so, you may be able to slide the drums tracks left or right so that the starting points line up even with the other tracks. Search your manual for things like slide track, move track, reposition track, or align tracks. Some programs make it as easy as *click and drag* using a mouse.
I'm still wating for an answer on the quesion: "Did you use the recorded song as your monitor track to record the drums, or did you just record the drums from memory?"

If you just sang the song in your head while drumming to it, with no click or reference from the other tracks, then I say it's impoosible to sync them up. But without an answer to that question, it's impossible to say.
If you just sang the song in your head while drumming to it, with no click or reference from the other tracks, then I say it's impoosible to sync them up. But without an answer to that question, it's impossible to say.

Not impossible, just impractical. :)