How to make my mic recoding "blend in" background track?

Bottom line, I said "assholes" as a joke, not literal in pointing a finger any specific person. It was a joke to lighten the mood and cut through the bullshit to bring the discussion back to where it should be focused. If there was any finger pointing at all, it was clued by the prediction that it would lead to a back-and-forth, with one specific individual in mind. The prediction was spot on.

This is why cave trolls should just stay in the cave.

This is why you should stick to giving advice rather than trying to be the tough guy asshole on the block, kicking castles and throwing sand.

I gave good advice. I hope it helps the op. Not bad for a cave troll. :D

Let it go. Just. let. it. go.
uhu uhu, good one Greg.

Don't you think you've mucked up this thread enough? Toss me some red chicklets and be done with's really not productive for the op to have to weed through pages of your tough guy bully act, now is it?. You belong in the cave, second nature, you're a natural.
uhu uhu, good one Greg.

Don't you think you've mucked up this thread enough? Toss me some red chicklets and be done with's really not productive for the op to have to weed through pages of your tough guy bully act, now is it?. You belong in the cave, second nature, you're a natural.

Come on dude, can't take a joke? That's what we're doing right? Lightening things up? Hit a little too close to home for you? Stop trying to be the tough guy bully that stands up to the tough guy bully. I know you have a real problem with me, you always have, just save it for another time and place.

The real bottom line: I tried to help the guy. I offered advice. Whether it applies or not is up to him to try it and decide for himself. I spoke directly to him and with him. You riding my nuts has done more harm than good.
I don't have a real problem with you, dude.'re just some guy on the net, dime a dozen.

I do listen to what you say about recording. You know what you're doing. I suggest the op weed through the bullshit and listen as well, to the recording advice. The other bullshit you have a habit of mucking up threads with, not so much.

Of course someone else could chime in to try and help. Less bullshit and more help is, helpful.

lol @ time and made this the time and place, it wasn't necessary

chip, meet shoulder...sounds like someone gots a real problem of his own

Dang, wonder how that happened? Cheer up tough guy.

For the record, i'm not looking for any opportunity for a time and place. That's just trouble waiting to happen. I just want to get along. Don't want no trouble, won't be none. Anyone targeting anyone for a time and place confrontation is not productive. Some people invite it and thrive on it. I want no part of it.

Leave me out, got it?

I originally posted in this thread for the sole purpose of trying to help, that is all.
I suggest the op weed through the bullshit and listen as well, to the recording advice.
The OP would have to weed through way less bullshit if you didn't keep squabbling like a scapegracious know-nothing!
Your willingness to rattle off knavish nit-witticisms like a featherheaded, dipstickian half-wit suggests to me one of two possibilities:

1. You are the offending bully [or]

2. You're fried to the hat.
Oh, okay. Well if that is the way it seems I reckon I ought to apologize.

Sorry, Greg. I apologize for bullying you.

Everybody good now? Good, let's move forward and quit sidetracking the guys thread with unnecessary bullshit.
The OP would have to weed through way less bullshit if you didn't keep squabbling like a scapegracious know-nothing!
Your willingness to rattle off knavish nit-witticisms like a featherheaded, dipstickian half-wit suggests to me one of two possibilities:

British dude?