How to get that college/public radio sound


New member
You know the one? You have to really turn your car radio up really loud to make sense of what they're saying, but even then it's very hard to distinguish the words? Really, it sounds pretty bad.

So, I never want to sound bad, but what if I wanted that effect in a recording I made? How would I do it? My guess is to do something "wrong" with a compressor, maybe EQ, but what "wrong" thing would I do, exactly?
You know the one? You have to really turn your car radio up really loud to make sense of what they're saying, but even then it's very hard to distinguish the words? Really, it sounds pretty bad.

I work on Community radio, and this ^^^^ is usually operator error.

Not talking into the mic,
being too far away from the mic,
having the volume too low,
not opening the mouth and talking in a clear voice.

So thats how you get the sound.

Oh, and make sure you sidechain everything to your voice and say hipster things on top of the music!
And you'll need to compress to death and remove 35% of high and low frequencies and turn up the low mids!