How to get rid of a nasal Vocal Sound


New member
Minus the proximity effect and a nasty cold, some singers voices have a irritating nasal quality that gets amplified over a mike. I'm using a CAD E-200 and I usually pull down the EQ at 400hz down to -5 to -8. This helps. Are there any other EQs settings ,I should look at?

The Black Orpheus
Pulling 8dB off a vocal at 400 WILL make a vocal sound nasal as all thats left are the low lows 100-200 and the mid mids 800Hz+. That emphasizes the nasal area. Cutting bet 800-3k will work as Shailat said. Try changing mics.
You might want to try setting the mic a little higher (vertically) than normal. This will make the vocalist open his throat up a little more singing slightly up to the mic. Make sure you point the mic down to his mouth (or slightly off), not straight ahead at his nose (sinuses).
Depends on the tonal range of the nasal sound really. Varies per singer. Basically you need to find the sweet spot and make your EQ smile ;) instead of frown :mad: in that freqeuncy range.

Unless of course you have parametric EQ then you should vary your Q around the trouble spot and go negative to bring those tones lower.