How to get over your own voice?


New member
This may seem like a bit or a weird question.....but for those of us who have only recorded other peoples vocals and songs, and voices.

How do you, or do you have any tips for getting over your own voice? To the point where your not fusterated on recording it (keep eqing, trying to fix it, noise reduction, etc...), becuase you know it sounds weirder than most peoples voices? Alot of people say my voice sounds really nasially, and I know it does....

SO any tips? Or care to shine any light in this department?

Keep listening to your recordings until you're not freaked out anymore. Took me a while to get used to hearing my voice on my recordings. I initially hated it. Now I'm used to it and it's just another part of the mix to be dealt with accordingly
I'm over the part of hating to hear myself sing. what I still hate is trying to "correct" all the flubs I hear by singing along. Like that will do any good. :o
I generally record vocals clean through a preamp, then use a podfarm preset to warm it up, a little chorus to thicken it, add a touch of delay...then I gradually mix it out of the track and make it an instrumental :)
To me it’s like being an actor.

When you sing you’re a different person, especially if you’ve done covers for 40 years in harmony bands doing things from Beatles to Bee Gees.

Everyone says my singing voice doesn’t sound like me and I’m sure it’s from trying to sing like whomever for so long.

I think it’s something that just comes with time. As a do it yourselfer you just go into that mode and sing it.

I worry only about the important things – pitch, phrasing and did I sing the words I wrote. If those are good then I am done.

However I do have to get in the groove so I do many takes.

As for sounding nasally – I hear a lot of homies do that. I think there must be some urban myth for that.

Find a vocal coach if you can’t spend 40 years doing covers.
Ive allways been gifted at being able to imitate others vocally and do impressions and I rarely have to Eq my own vocal...I kinda do it behind the mic.
My opinion is that e.qing etc... can improve/change the nuances in a vocal track. however it can never compensate for a genuinely good voice. i dont think any singer has ever been fully satisfied with how his or her voice sounds on playback anyways.

im not a traditionally good singer by any means but i make the best use of what i do have and strongley believe that everyone has the ability to make good tones/sounds with their voice.

if you think that your voice isnt good enough, than its better to be honest with yourself and improve on whatever aspect this may be. unlike many musicians that will never improve because maybe there is too much pride involved, they dont care for improvement, or they simply do not recognize their flaws. if you dont enjoy listening back to your own voice at all then ask others what they think, this may give you more encouragement to take pleasure in what you have achieved or give you the incentive to improve.

hope this helps