How to get all my mp3 files to sound the same volume/loudness....


New member
Using cubase LE5 if that matters.
I've been recording backing tracks for my wife and I to use at church and would prefer that all the tracks be the same volume. Do I just have to do a hit and miss with the main output while rendering the files? Would prefer not to have to adjust volume individually on every song we do.
Hope that made sense, thanks in advance.
We use a limiter plugin on the master bus. We set it so everything is about the same volume when exported to file. It's not proper mastering per se but it does help with the volume levels a bit.
I just found a free program called mp3GainPro. Used it on two tracks and it seems to work without harming the quality.
I'd recommend you get your tracks' volumes evened up while still in Cubase and rendered to WAV/FLAC/AICC, then converting all to MP3.
I just found a free program called mp3GainPro. Used it on two tracks and it seems to work without harming the quality.
Yes....mp3gain works just fine as long as it doesn't have to make large upward volume changes. Seems to be some distortion if raised too much. You can get it free on the web.
Heh! Six years ago was my son-in-law's 40th and my highly musical son put together the music for the party.
He could not however allow the levels on the final DVD collection to be all over the shop and each song had to hand over to the next in a smooth and "professional" manner!

The stuff in MP3 format had first to be converted to .wav so that it could be edited in AA1.5 and then the whole lot, some 8hours of songs, converted back to MP3 (top Q!) for DVD storage...This took him for FEKKIN' EVER!

I did similar to the above but for my wedding with around 140 mp3's. We had our guest's choose the music for the evening and then I created one big file to play and leave running all night.

MP3Gain did a pretty decent job at getting the levels nice with all those files containing music from the 40's to the 00's. A few were a little louder and lower than needed and I had to adjust them myself in Reaper but for the majority, it was fine. A handy little tool.

:thumbs up: