how to divide a recording into tracks


New member
i have an a recording done with audacity that is now in mp3 format and is over an hour long, i would like to divide it up into smaller tracks to make the cd more navigable obviously....there isnt an option i can find in audacity to do it and google isnt really helping...can someone help me out here?
can't you import it into audacity into an audio track and snip it, select, and export the clips?
well yes, but i was looking for something that would do it automatically, and that way i wont mess up and miss a few seconds here and there or something.
LittleHoov said:
i have an a recording done with audacity that is now in mp3 format and is over an hour long, i would like to divide it up into smaller tracks to make the cd more navigable obviously....there isnt an option i can find in audacity to do it and google isnt really helping...can someone help me out here?
Here's what I'd suggest to get the best quality:
1) Open your original Audacity file of the recording, since it's higher resolution than the mp3 (Audacity uses a series of file segments that are actually wav files that just use a different extension than ".wav".) If you only have the mp3, just drag that into the Audacity window and start there, but making a CD from an mp3 won't sound quite as good.
2) Manually select the part of the file you want to become the first CD track. Export, as Toki987 suggested, that segment as a wav file called track1, then repeat the process for each CD track desired. Audacity's fade in and fade out functions can be helpful here, especially with applause.

Good luck with it.
