How to distort drum tracks


Hello, what is the best way to apply some distortion on drums, is there any specefic plugin to do this, without the cymbals getting too brittle ?

Distortion on drums?

The whole kit or just one drum like the kick or snare.

This may be one for Walters.
It's done often in hip-hop, etc...If you have individual tracks, you can put distortion on just the snare and kik or whatever it is you want distorted. But I think the few times I've heard distorted drums, even the high hats and cymbals were effected, too. Gives an industrial, machine type sound.
sub mix the kit, then re-amp it.
(that's how i'd do it, o'course there are a few options)
Personally, I would make copies of the tracks you want to distort and blend them with the undistorted tracks. Also, I would probably only do it to kick and/or snare (not overheads). Try some heavy compression (Digital Fishphones Blockfish) to make them pump, and maybe a saturation plugin, like the Digital Fishphones Dominion. Also, the SSL LMC-1 is a cool free plugin to compress/distort drums.
Route the drums mics through a guitar amp or two, and then mic that with distortion on from the amp (assuming your amp has a built in distortion channel). Could yield some interesting effects. I suppose you could also run the mics through an amp simulator.

Or record the drums to an old mulit-track cassette recorder and over-gain it, or something like that. Also could be kind of cool.

Not really sure exactly what sound you're going for, but there' also always a gated reverb. Not necessarily distortion, but you certainly not a "clean" sound.
SSL has a FREE compressor plugin that makes some usable distortion, especially for drums. Do a google search for SSL free compressor.
