How to connect my old monitors?


New member
Hi guys! Yesterday someone gave me a couple of old monitors he'd been using in his recording studio. He said they worked well and since I'm currently just using my good speakers I thought I'd give them a try.
However I have a problem... These monitors are 100W and they use the power from the computer (they don't have a powerinput) and on the back of each monitor there are only 2 wires with cut ends. So I can't just connect them to my soundcard because there are no jack-input or output... What do I do? I'm stuck with two monitors with only two wires on each!

Thanks for all answers! I'm a real newb when it comes to monitors. :rolleyes:
Hey there. I'm a bit of a newb at this too but it sounds to me like you are going to need a power amp to power the monitors. You will probably have to use the ouputs of your sound card to the power amp then hook the monitors to the power amp. What kind of sound card and monitors do you have?
Yeah what you need is a power amp. 200w I would assume. You will need to output from the card to the power amp then hook the spearkers to the amp.
Hope I was helpful.
Thanks, it was! But... So basically I could just by a couple of active monitors and then I wouldn't need the amp? What else could I need the amp for?
For the equipment you have I don't really see what else you could use the amp for. I myself use an amp and passive monitors. I use to use some little Edirol 10A monitors but they just wasn't really doing the trick for me. I quess if you wanted to just use active monitors you could. But I would be willing to bet that you could buy a decent power amp to power the old monitors for close to or even less than a set of new active monitors. Not real sure though.
This little amp is exactly what you need. Don't worry about the power handling or about how small and "plastic-y" it looks like. It'll give you more than enough volume for monitoring purposes, and paired with a nice sounding pair of passive monitors, you're good to go.
Best 50 bucks you'll ever spend.
Or there is always that alternative soultion.

Sale those on ebay and save a few more dollars and buy a nice pair of KRK RP powered monitors?
You can get a pair of powered speakers for around $100 which should get you by until you can afford something better. I had a pair of M-Audio speakers that were alright until I got a pair of Behringer Truths.