how to cancel out frequency?


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How can i cancel out frequency?

What can i use to cancel out frequency or how can i do it manual on a mixing board?

example if i wanted to cancel out 80hz,92hz,104hz what can i do to cancel them?
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How's that running a separate guitar effect on a seperate mixer channel thing working out for you Wally? Or the use of the BBE to get a Polish sound? They working out OK for you?

I know you must have tried them out, because there's no way that you're coming on here just to yank our chains asking useless questions. You really DO need to know these answers for real projects that you're working on with your Tascam DAW.

So, we're all dying to know Mr. Walters, sir. Please give us a progress report on how the last few questions you have asked have worked out for you.

How's that running a separate guitar effect on a seperate mixer channel thing working out for you Wally? Or the use of the BBE to get a Polish sound? They working out OK for you?

I know you must have tried them out, because there's no way that you're coming on here just to yank our chains asking useless questions. You really DO need to know these answers for real projects that you're working on with your Tascam DAW.

So, we're all dying to know Mr. Walters, sir. Please give us a progress report on how the last few questions you have asked have worked out for you.


I would really like to hear the last band YOU recorded! Surely they have a website of some sort with audio that you engineered on it that you can link to. :rolleyes:
What you need to do, is duplicate the frequency, then it will cancel itself out.

For example, if you want to cancel out say 3156khz. You need to record yourself singing a song by the Bay City Rollers in monotone at at 3165khz. Both frequencies will cancel each other out. BUT, this will only work if you sing the Bay city Rollers. don't try singing anything else. This could potentially cause a voltage overload within your DAW, causing rabbits to jump out of both the input and output sockets of your interface.

Now, this won't entitely cancel out the frequency, what you will need to do is run it all through a step filter followed by Har-Bal. This in turn will only work if you are eating a cream bun at the time. Next, run it all through Windows Movie Maker, whilst reaching down a well and tickling a midget whilst recording it all witha microphone. The combination of you singing the Bay City Rollers in monotone, the stepfilter and Har-Bal, and the midget going "Tee Hee" with completely cancel out the unwanted frequency.

Thisis one of the most notoriously difficult recording tricks to pull off. Rumor has it that Warren Spector almost did it, and would have been in line for a nobel prize had he done so. Unfortunately he was using a cheap chinese mic at the time, causing a black hole to open and swallow half his studio, which later appeared in Guatamala. He got closer to pulling it off the next time,when he discovered that using a marshmallow as an attenuator between his home made nuclear reactor and his preamp stopped the "bunnny rabbit" issue. This is how he accidentally happened upon his famous "wall of sound", and the rest is history.

Bottom line is, you need to be in a near perfect mixing environment to pull this off. Which inevitably means that, if you don't already have one, you will need to buy a lava lamp.
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Been there, done that, Little Eddie. We already played that game. Go pick your fights with someone who is actually interested in your desire to simply disrupt and cause trouble. I'm not playing that game.

Oh, and people, am I the only one to find it interesting that Ford is the only person to get upset that I can get walters upset? Would you believe Ford actually neg repped me for telling a newb that walters was a fake personna perped by someone else here?

Tell us, Ford, how's that creamy Polish sound working out for you, hmmm?

I use a freak canceler. Be sure when you go to Guitar Center to ask the sales person for an agile one.
Been there, done that, Little Eddie. We already played that game. Go pick your fights with someone who is actually interested in your desire to simply disrupt and cause trouble. I'm not playing that game.

Oh, and people, am I the only one to find it interesting that Ford is the only person to get upset that I can get walters upset? Would you believe Ford actually neg repped me for telling a newb that walters was a fake personna perped by someone else here?

Tell us, Ford, how's that creamy Polish sound working out for you, hmmm?


Yeah, figures that again, you cop out of letting the world here your "professional" work. :rolleyes:

I suspect that you really don't know much about actually DOING audio, but know how to read about it and repeat it in a slightly different way.
using retarded kids in your not would you feel if that was your own blood??