how to bring level meters to zero for recording? (cool edit pro 2.1)

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Hi Cool edit users

just installed cool edit pro 2.1 ( love this gear :-) ).
One problem occurs: I can record only up to -6 db.
How can i bring up the level up to 0 db?= where to adjust?

Thanks for help,
Cool Edit is ancient. I don't have a copy on any machine I use, so I can't try to replicate your problem.

Also, when tracking you should stay away from 0 dBFS. A track's average level should be about -18 dBFS, and peaks can be wherever they land as long as it's below 0 dBFS (though leaving a safety margin is always good).
Cool Edit is ancient. I don't have a copy on any machine I use, so I can't try to replicate your problem.

Also, when tracking you should stay away from 0 dBFS. A track's average level should be about -18 dBFS, and peaks can be wherever they land as long as it's below 0 dBFS (though leaving a safety margin is always good).
Hi thanks. But this is not the problem. The problem is i cannot reach 0 db if i WANT to do so. It goes to minus 6 db only, even if I turn up the recording volume a lot. There mus be a limiter somewhere in the recording chain (mulitrack mode) but I can't find it
What interface are you using?
Lexicon Omega. I had cool edit pro on an old PC (Win XP). It worked well for many years, recorded a few albums with it but it gave up the ghost and so I had to install cool edit on another PC (Win7). Everything went smoothly except for this limited recording level (minus 6 db instead of up to 0 db). I would be grateful if someone could help with this
It may be a driver issue. I've used a Lambda, which is very similar, but I can't recall if there's a control panel. If there is, check the settings there.
Are you using an asio driver, or the windows driver? If using the windows driver, it could be going through the windows mixer, which could be turned down.
I know you don't want to hear this, but it's long past time to switch to a DAW that's not decades old.
I've got a Lexicon Omega, and it was happy to be driven way over the top by all the software I have. Cool edit had a normalise function, set this to 0dB and it should happily adjust the levels to absolute max - if it doesn't, then you are stuck. If you are really poor, download audacity, much better than cool edit, which was great - I used it a great deal in the 90's, but development stopped and it's seriously limited by modern standards - I think 48K 16 bit was it's limit from memory.
I've got a Lexicon Omega, and it was happy to be driven way over the top by all the software I have. Cool edit had a normalise function, set this to 0dB and it should happily adjust the levels to absolute max - if it doesn't, then you are stuck. If you are really poor, download audacity, much better than cool edit, which was great - I used it a great deal in the 90's, but development stopped and it's seriously limited by modern standards - I think 48K 16 bit was it's limit from memory.
The normalize function is for recorded stuff only. I'm stuck. I'm not poor but I like cool edit
Eh? I misunderstood. Your problem is you cannot overdrive the lexicon on the way in? I never, ever wanted to get anywhere near that. In fact most people now avoid going anywhere near this level. Perhaps lexicon simply made sure going over was next to impossible in the conversion alignment? You get to -6 below 0 and you want more. I get it. This is why you wondered if it has a limiter.

I have wondered if input metering is actually that accurate on many interfaces from the point of the display meters. I suppose not letting you go over or even close might be frustrating, but 6dB is surely not worth even fighting for. Its a curiosity, but irrelevant really, isn’t it? It would be worth though, downloading audacity and checking if it backs up the same level, just in case its a mis reading in cool edit.
Eh? I misunderstood. Your problem is you cannot overdrive the lexicon on the way in? I never, ever wanted to get anywhere near that. In fact most people now avoid going anywhere near this level. Perhaps lexicon simply made sure going over was next to impossible in the conversion alignment? You get to -6 below 0 and you want more. I get it. This is why you wondered if it has a limiter.

I have wondered if input metering is actually that accurate on many interfaces from the point of the display meters. I suppose not letting you go over or even close might be frustrating, but 6dB is surely not worth even fighting for. Its a curiosity, but irrelevant really, isn’t it? It would be worth though, downloading audacity and checking if it backs up the same level, just in case its a mis reading in cool edit.
I can overdrive Lexicon but it does not show it on Cool edit because there is a "wall" at minus 6 db. It does not reach the peak level indicator-lights. So i cannot see when i overdrive
I made ist !!!!!!! After lots and lots of different settings i got it. Not out of knowledge but by Change 8-). BTW: this is my latest album i created with Cool edit (World-music)

You may understand now why i never give up Cool edit, it's my "violin" :-). I'm using it from the very begin (about 24 years now). It was my first gear after working with tape machines