How To Books On Multitrack Recording?


New member
Is There Anyone Out There With Some Knowledge, That Could Recommend Some How To Book/books On Digital Multitrack Recording In Laymans Language Especially With The Terminlolgy?
I Would Really Appreciate Your Suggestions

Also A ?
Does Anyone Understand The Terminolgy"dual Mic"effect?
If You Do, Can You Explain It To Me What It Means How Does It Work?

Books I'd recommend for those just getting started would include:

Home Recording For Musicians
PC Recording Studios for Dummies
Home Studio Clinic

If you already know much of the "for Dummies" basics, and are looking to get just a little deeper in understanding, then check out

Understanding Audio
Modern Recording Techniques

To browse around for yourself without having to weed through irrelevant search results, click over to the IRN website and click on the "Studio Reference Book Catalog" icon on the front page.

As far as "dual mic effect", that term itself does not have any specific meaning; it depends upon in what context it is being used. Can you be more specific?
