How to auto pan?


New member

I have audition 1.5 and CS6 and I have one mono audio track in the multi track editor in Track 1.
I have the same mono audio track (a referenced copy) in Track 2, only here a couple of seconds shifted from track 1.

Track 1 is panned 100% to the left channel and Track 2 is panned 100% to the right channel.

Now I want to automatically apply a left/right panning. Every x seconds I want track 1 and 2 swap between left and right.

I hope someone can tell me how to do this.

Sorry, I only just notice this.

Easy to do in either version using pan envelopes. Just drag the envelopes back and forth as required--if you put the tracks next to each other in multitrack it's easy to line up the moves.