How the room made a difference...


What does THIS button do?
my dad cleaned the studio, and took out the big rug that was covering the hardwood floor (but it's old half-rot hardwood.. no finish) and WOW it made such a difference in the way my kit sounded! The kick sounded more full, also louder.. really cut through the rest of the drums... and the toms and snare sounded more balanced, not to mention snare had a lot more crack to it. I still have a little rug under the kit to hold everything in place, and carpet on the walls/ceiling, but the flood being exposed made a HUGE difference..
Almost so that it made me think of this:
It's almost like, you hear the room more than you hear the drum and the head..

anyway, I posted this in case anyone is having problems getting the sound they want out of thier drums.. CHECK YOUR ROOM! Seriously.. I play low-end pacific drums w/ evans heads and they sound damn close to more expensive kits in my room! Hope this helps anyone who needs it!
After the musician and instrument the room is the next most important ingredient. I might even pick a great room over a great instrument given the choice.

You should take the carpet off the rest of the room and treat it properly.