how the crap do i copywrite my junk?


New member
so i want to copywrite my stuff...but i don't know how...i tried to register with Socan but i think thats something do you guys copywrite? Help!!
use the search function here. You will find approx. 8 zillion threads on this.

[hint: learn the correct spelling of copyright - it'll help your search]
Grey Angel said:
Is it true that just having it on the internet is a form of copywrite?

No, that isn't true at all.

Technically when you "finish" whatever you're doing, as in put it in some fixed medium (like a recording on a CD), it is copyrighted.

Registering a copyright is something completely different. Registering a copyright is what you need to do for legal protection.
Looks like he's up in Canada so the US copyright laws prolly won't hold true for him...

Do a search online for Canadian copyright and go from there...

mjr said:
No, that isn't true at all.

Technically when you "finish" whatever you're doing, as in put it in some fixed medium (like a recording on a CD), it is copyrighted.

Registering a copyright is something completely different. Registering a copyright is what you need to do for legal protection.

I thought we were talking about song lyrics? But, allright.
mjr said:
No, that isn't true at all.

Technically when you "finish" whatever you're doing, as in put it in some fixed medium (like a recording on a CD), it is copyrighted.

Registering a copyright is something completely different. Registering a copyright is what you need to do for legal protection.

Copyright law is different than copyright precedent. Neither are very cut and dry. Posting it on the internet doesn't immediately give it a copyright, but it would provide evidence of a date of existence. That comes in handy when a year down the line someone uses your material and you can point back and say "I wrote this a year ago."
jordiemac said:
thanks for nothing
Nothing??? I gave you two very important bits of info -

1. How to easily find the answers for yourself instead of just trying to get someone to spoonfeed them to you.

2. How to correctly spell that which you are looking to find out more about.

What more do you need? Do you want us to write and record the songs for you too? Geez.
sorry fellas i was just frustrated because whether i did a search for copyright using the correct spelling or not i didn't get anything that would help me out....
that first .org link said that copyright exists right when it is created.

registered copyright..that's a different story.

just make weird music, and you should be fine.
cello_pudding said:
that first .org link said that copyright exists right when it is created.

registered copyright..that's a different story.

just make weird music, and you should be fine.

i'd say it is wierd...i just don't get the difference between copyright and "registered copyright" must be in the court room that you see the

I have a friend who is a lawyer who told me "the moment that you write something, it is copywritten, the hard part is proving it". The best way is just to download a copyright form. I use the "FORM PA", and pay the $30 bucks. From what I understand mailing whatever you wanted copywritten back to yourself is a form of copyright, but it only works if you don't open it. Also computer files can be used to prove copyright.
Dorian27 said:
From what I understand mailing whatever you wanted copywritten back to yourself is a form of copyright, but it only works if you don't open it.
This is a myth and doesn't work at all. Also, if you read the rest of the thread, you would see that the guy is in Canada so form PA won't help.
in canada look up the songwriters association of canada.

and yes once you create something it is automatically copywritten, but you have to register it to be able to prove it, or you can call a dozen witnesses in court.
Nicole_Rose said:
in canada look up the songwriters association of canada.

and yes once you create something it is automatically copywritten, but you have to register it to be able to prove it, or you can call a dozen witnesses in court.

Thanks i'll check that out....