How old when started out?

Guitar at 13
Bass at 15
Keys at 17
Drums at 23

I'm self-taught on all 4 instruments, but always consider myself a guitar player first.

I'm 37 now, and a total gear-slut.

I can't figure out if my basement looks more like a studio or a freakin' music store these days. :D
I would guess it looks more like a music store. I'm trying to figure out if mine looks more like a music store or a warehouse.

Brad...that teacher was just too narrow minded to realize it was the skin flute you were interested in.

[This message has been edited by monty (edited 07-08-2000).]
Yeah, well, what about in the James Bond movies? They're real, aren't they?? (Well, she sure seemed real...) :D
Ukelele @ 9.
Guitar @ 10.
Got more serious with the guitar @ 12.
Was also studying violin but got kicked out of the JHS orchestra for plucking when I was supposed to be sitting there patiently.
Never really had any lessons.
Just "picked" it up as I went along.
Sir Malcolm Sargent, world-renowned conductor to lady cellist during a particularly arduous rehearsal:
"Madam, between your legs is the world's most expressive instrument, and all you can do is scratch it"

... and Dragon, a mode is what goes on yer apple pie, mate, as in '... a la mode'

Started sax at 12 in the school band. After a year of that my parents moved to a house out in the country. The local school didn't have a band so that ended my sax career.
Took up guitar at 14 and heve been playing ever since.
I started playing guitar at 12, wanted to play at 7 but, took a few years to talk my mother in to it. She raised 3 kids alone so we were quite poor.
The guitar work on the first Boston album was my first ispiration, then Randy Rhoads..... Fuck he was good!

Now I am a studio junkie! I love to record everything. Jingles, scores, you name it.
I Love original music and have composed from the beggining.

I am a huge fan of Leo Kottke! I live two hours away from him. He lives in St. Cloud Mn., and performs at the college all the time.
When you go to those shows there are allways a bunch of people in the crowd that look just like him. Best finger picker.

I know what you mean about the modes ( seven modes of the major scale) they set you free!
At age 4 dad brings home the coolest little set of blue swirl Slingerlands I had ever seen. My attempts to emulate Sandy Nelson are futile and all interest in the instrument quickly fades.
Age 9-10 do some house parties fakin' guitar and singing. The real guitar player in the band tells me to just keep my hand within the area of the first three frets and move it around.- - O.K.
I remember singing Gimme Some Lovin by Steve Winwood.

Then at age 11, I pick up the trumpet and learn how to read. An invaluable skill.
Am 1st chair player in catholic grade school band.

Freshman in High School I am at the guitar again. I have this cool red Mosrite and I am actually playing it - got my bar chords down now. We have a band that does an assembly in front of the whole high school and god and everybody.

Age 16 playing in hillbilly bars.
Drums @ 11
Bass @ 13
Guitar @ 18
Sax and Trumpet 17 (not very good mind you)
Keyboards (22)
Totally Addicted Gear Junkie @ 38.
at 4 piano
at 10 guitar
at 12 brass band
at 18 sax
at 21 recording consoles
at 55 still piano and consoles
am I the oldest on the site??
Started with an acoustic at 9
Trumpet at 10
Electric guitar at 11
Bass at 14...played bass with an much older group in clubs at 15..with permission from the owner(s) of my parents had to be there.
Played bass in the jazz ensemble in H.S.
Got a full scholarship to college for music.
In and out of many bands since.
I am 40 now and I am learning piano !
I do have students that I teach (20 a week)!
I have always kept a day job playing on weekends, and some weekdays. I have set up a studio to record my band and other groups as well... No such thing as starting early !
The earlier the better ! Don't force music on any child. The desire must be there.
Talent is god given,after hours and hours of practice !
Started at 9 years old, 43 now, you'd think by now (34 years later) I'd know something...oh well...been with the same band for 20 years this August, phone keeps ringing, just built a 24 track studio in my house, must be doing something right, just wish I'd spent my allowance on lessons instead of "social activities" :>(

A little piano as young as I can remember.
Trumpet 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades
Guitar @16
Violin as "2nd" instrument in college
Now I'm a 40 year old Network Administrator playing guitar in a cover/$$$ band...writing some songs and building a studio in my 1400 sq. ft. basement. Currently working on my vocal booth. I plan on using the mp3 clinic when I'm up and running.
I'm 19, started piano when I was 7. I picked up the geetar when I was 8. Picked up bass when I was 16. From there started progaming drums when I was 18, and bought my first drum set last week!
Discovered Black Sabbath in 6th grade (1970) and joined school band to learn drums. Switched to guitar two years later after younger brother took over kit. Played some bass in college. Still taking guitar and bass lessons at age 41.
Rock On!
Started on guitar at about age 5 or 6. My dad was a guitarist/fiddler in the western swing/hillbilly jazz style and taught me about blues, early rock, and country. He grew up in the northeastern part of Arkansas and had contact with several old time blues and country players. I began playing in my moms pentecostal church at age 9. Started playing bass in church at age 10. Fiddled around with the drums and keyboards too, but not very good at those. Did my first overdubbing at age 12 using two portable cassette tape machines. Still have the tape around here somewhere. Started playing bar gigs at age 17. In my late 20's I joined a band that played cruise ships a lot. Stayed with them for about 6 years (about 4 years too long. Advice: DON'T PLAY CRUISE SHIPS!). Settled down in my hometown to do what I love most, which is playing the blues and some rockabilly stuff. I've only just became financially able to get into the home recording end of it within the last year - and on the cheap at that. I've got a TASCAM 414, mixing down to a Sony minidisc deck. Works great, and sounds good enough for what I'm trying to do. Cheers! Trag.
Dragon, a mode is sort of like a mood;
Pissed off mode
party mode
jam mode
horny get the general idea.