how often does your mic break?


New member
This might seem like a silly question, but I'm going to be buying my first large condenser mic (probably a AT4033a or an AT4047SV if I can afford it) and I'm thinking of buying one without a "proper" guarantee. I live in France but plan to make the purchase in England since it is a lot cheaper over there. So I'll have a guarantee on the mic, only I'll have to send it back to get it fixed which I would like to avoid (it's complicated and takes time)...But studio mics are quite solid aren't they? Presuming normal use, they should last at least for a good 10 years without trouble, shouldn't they?
yep..... they will last a lifetime if they are handled properly and used normally......

Sticking them out the window in a rainstorm to capture the sound...... is just asking for it.... as long as U stick to your common sense U will have no probs

mmmmmmm AT4033.........

They're a poor substitute for a hammer, that's for sure. By the way, you're gonna love the AT 4033.
Mic Life

Just make sure when your done useing them to put your mic
back into there case, they do not like dust or moister

Ok, thanks for your replies...
So basicely there's nothing to worry about as long as I keep it out of range of wild animals or drummers playing with hammers :-)
I thought I was gonna hear some real "mic horror stories"...