how much????


Ninja kick the dam rabbit
how much do you charge for recording? im trying to get an idea of a good price range. i can mix well, and i know how to place my mics to get good sound. ive just needed some better mics and now i have them, and things are sounding great. ive done lots of recording with bands in the past, but it was for 20$ a song. just to make some extra cash, but mostly for fun. they where all really happy with the way things turned out. ne way, I've moved cities and im opening up the studio here. im thinking of how much i should charge but i have no idea. there are a couple other recording studios in town but they cost an arm and a leg. so i don't want to get to pricey.
any input?

Well...I always say... living in the city is lot mor expensive, obviously prices will go up... but i would say,

look at your costs, how much does it cost you to do recordings and so on.. obviously ask enough to cover costs and make some in south africa we charge about R100 per hour....that's about $10.. haha.

What I would do is, make yourself affordable and always available, build a client base, and then start adding a dollar or two..haha

So yeah. it all depends on what kinda good service u also offer..and ag yeah it's pretty much that..

Where I'm at (population around 35000) I'm the only game in town. But I don't consider myself good enough to charge any more than $20 (usd) an hour and I only have a one room setup.
Well you probably don't want to collect arms and legs and you certainly don't want the first borns so just charge what the market will bear.
how much do you charge for recording? im trying to get an idea of a good price range. i can mix well, and i know how to place my mics to get good sound. ive just needed some better mics and now i have them, and things are sounding great. ive done lots of recording with bands in the past, but it was for 20$ a song. just to make some extra cash, but mostly for fun. they where all really happy with the way things turned out. ne way, I've moved cities and im opening up the studio here. im thinking of how much i should charge but i have no idea. there are a couple other recording studios in town but they cost an arm and a leg. so i don't want to get to pricey.
any input?

$500/hr is a good start. Mastering is extra though.
Gee MCI2424 !

Obviously you work in a fancy place... was that a sarcastic comment ?? or are u talking about zimbabwian dollars ? haha

But yeah, i still wanna get more equipment to start doing recordings for bands and etc. !
I don't see how anyone here can answer that question. Market forces not something that easily assessed without loads of information.

Do research on how much people with your setup are charging. Find a price you are comfortable with in that area and go for it. If you get plenty of business, you can assess raising your rate. If you struggle, you can assess why you are struggling....too pricey...not enough buzz....etc.
as of right now i have it set to 75$ for the first song 50$ a song after that. i mix and edit everything too. its all included in the price.
Again it really will depend more on how good or bad your are regardless of how much other studios charge in my opinion. I would never charge per song, only per hour.I will say I do charge per project when I'm out doing live gigs but it is a limited number of tunes mixed to how I feel they should be mixed. If clients want something changed, they pay my rate of $20.00 per hour.
If you're a beginning I'd start around $10 per song, maybe $15-20.

Once you feel that your quality is starting to compete with the "bigger" studios around you, then up your prices to $10-20 an hour.
If you're a beginning I'd start around $10 per song, maybe $15-20.

Once you feel that your quality is starting to compete with the "bigger" studios around you, then up your prices to $10-20 an hour.

i couldn't even think of recording other people for that price lol
ok people heres a sample. the drums are pretty crap. but i only did this for fun. its just me playing and singing everything. i tried using my old snare drum with a VERY old skin lol didn't sound good at all. i can record much better drums when i actually try haha but this gives you some idea
oh and p.s i used fake bass and strings hahaha. i do have gear to mic a bass amp well. I've done it many times, i just dont have my own bass and amp
Maybe you should just do it for fun then LOL :)

lol i do, every day. its fun when i record myself or friends that i know can play. but its not fun to record people who are very very bad and they expect you to make them sound like pro rock stars lol. that's when it FEELS like work. and as such, i should get paid SOMETHING.. im just not sure how much... hence the topic i started lol :P