How many channels of compression/preamps do I really need?


New member
The most tracks I'll ever be recording at one time would be 10-12. That happens very rarely. Normally, it's 8 at one time (a drum kit). Does that mean that I have to have 8 channels of outboard compression to work with the entire drum kit? I know compression isn't vital during the recording stage and with drums only certain pieces would need the compression so I could probably get by with the 4 channels of compression that I do have right?

As for preamps, I just bought an RNP so I have 2 channels of quality preamps. All the other preamps that I use are on my Soundcraft Spirit mixing board. It's one of the cheaper models so the pre's aren't at the same level as the RNP. Would I be best advised to spend more money on buying better outboard mic pre's (like the RNP)?
You may want to consider a "lunchbox" type of set-up. I was comparing single channel units to preamp modules such as the Old School Audio pre's or the API pre's. The price difference was astounding once you acquire 8-12 pre's. Plus you can buy the compressors and house them next to the pre's if you want. Look at Old School Audio or API and see if you may come out better in the long run. I couldn't comment on the quality of the pre's since I've never heard the OSA's, API's, or RNP's. It could save you money though. I'm wrestling with this decision myself.

Questions back at ya. :cool:
-You're mixing analog, not in the box?
-You'd rather compress during recording?
-Given the choice, would you rather have a fewer number of great comps rather than more so-so ones?

mixsit said:
Questions back at ya. :cool:
-You're mixing analog, not in the box?

Well, after I've got everything recorded then I'd be mixing in the box. I guess I'd be sorta mixng analog as I'm recording the drums for example.

mixsit said:
-You'd rather compress during recording?

I'd rather compress during mixdown rather than during recording. I would think that would be the ideal situation.

mixsit said:
-Given the choice, would you rather have a fewer number of great comps rather than more so-so ones?

I'd definitely rather have a fewer number of great comps rather than more of the so-so ones.

Hmm, so I guess that I should avoid compression as much as I can during recording and so that would mean I'd need very few compressors? Then, instead of blowing money on lots of decent compressors, I should save for just a couple of really nice ones and use them where I'd really need them (mixdown)?
If you wait to compress untill mixdown, don't you need as many comp's as you've got channels that need compression??? Can compression be inserted? What if one track needs a different level of compression than another in mixdown but, you've only got one comp?

So many questions...
chris-from-ky said:
If you wait to compress untill mixdown, don't you need as many comp's as you've got channels that need compression??? Can compression be inserted? What if one track needs a different level of compression than another in mixdown but, you've only got one comp?

So many questions...

You will need as many compressors as you have tracks that need to be compressed. Compressors can be inserted. If you have 2 tracks that need to be compressed differently nad only one compressor,... you're screwed.