How is this snare?


New member

I'm in the market for a new snare.

I'm looking for a snare to play some harder rock/funk/jazz for mainly live situations, but also for use in studio.

I am thinking I want a metal snare. The reason is because I like the snare sound on the
Jack Johnson album Brushfire Fairytales. I know the drummer uses a metal yamaha snare but I don't know if it was used in the album.

My price range is about $150 or less.

I was thinking about getting this snare because it looks to be an
Acrolite copy and I heard those are good drums. Is that a good price for the snare? It is new but discontinued.

Can anyone tell me what I can expect from this snare? Would anyone reccomend it? There isn't much about this drum on the internet. Anyone happen to have a sound clip it?

What other metal snare would you reccomend?