how is an analog mixer invloved with a DAW rig

Track Rat said:
Definately a home studio. Yeah, I built the desk around the tascam M-3500. I've since rebuilt the equipment racks and have a rack mounted computer.

Now THAT is something I just have to do....rack-mount my computer!!
Do you know where I can get a case? Are they becoming main-stream now?
(or do you fabricate them yourselves?)....I'd just love one!
I have enough room for 2 racks (2U), I imagine the case would require at least 2 spaces??
I thankyou for mentioning your computer!! :)
RawDepth said:
You have the freedom to use them any way you wish. If it makes life easier in the studio or it helps you to accomplish your goal then go ahead, have your way with it. There are no rules in recording.

Yes, most have almost infinite routing abilities, monitoring abilities, subgrouping, and choice of metering sources. Many larger consoles even came with patch bays built in to make inserting more painless. Again, the idea was to provide the engineer with the luxury of accomplishing almost anything.
Mine too.

About two or three years ago when I decided to start buying up home studio gear, I was also saving up to buy a house. I placed myself on the tightest budget on the planet for audio gear. I bought only the very cheapest of everything just to get started. Now that I have the house and finally settled in, I am slowly upgrading one piece at a time. I try to buy something once every few paydays. Right now I seem to have an odd mix of cheap crap and mid level stuff. But I'll get there eventually.

umm.........HEAR HEAR!!! :)
You can get a computer in a 2U case (I have one) but the one in the studio is 4U. The limiting factor can be the PCI slots which require 4U if you're using more than one slot. In my 2U case I only needed one slot so I'm able to use this L adaptor. When you use one of these things it buries the other slots.
Track Rat said:
You can get a computer in a 2U case (I have one) but the one in the studio is 4U. The limiting factor can be the PCI slots which require 4U if you're using more than one slot. In my 2U case I only needed one slot so I'm able to use this L adaptor. When you use one of these things it buries the other slots.

Thanx for that.....I may look at crap-bay, see if someone can sell me one, in 4U form factor! (I don't want to use 'riser-boards', if posible). :)
Regards to you.
superspit said:
Now THAT is something I just have to do....rack-mount my computer!!
Do you know where I can get a case? Are they becoming main-stream now?
(or do you fabricate them yourselves?)....I'd just love one!
I have enough room for 2 racks (2U), I imagine the case would require at least 2 spaces??
I thankyou for mentioning your computer!! :)

We are getting off topic here but, just do a search on Ebay for "4U Case". Most are around $80 or $100 US. Mine came with a power supply but I took it out and threw it away. I replaced it with a good one by Antec. (Cheap power supplies are the number one cause of computer crashes and lock-ups.) You can probably take most of your components out of your existing computer and put them right into the new rack case.

You can see my computer in the bottom of the nearest rack, between the UPS and the sub.

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RawDepth said:
We are getting off topic here but, just do a search on Ebay for "4U Case". Most are around $80 or $100 US. Mine came with a power supply but I took it out and threw it away. I replaced it with a good one by Antec. (Cheap power supplies are the number one cause of computer crashes and lock-ups.) You can probably take most of your components out of your existing computer and put them right into the new rack case.


Hi topic?....yeh, you're right.....anyways.. :p :)
I will be checking that case out....and Thankyou!!
SouthSIDE Glen said:
there's just no substitute in sound for a good quality analog summing amp.

+1 ;)

Even if you do every bit of processing and mixing, eq and all in the box, summing analog through quality signal paths id well worth it. Now, if you add a well-maintained 1/2" analog half-track reel-to-reel running at 30ips behind that analog summing for a mixdown deck.......... :D