How in the world do you get sound????


New member
I'm new at this, and am running a Delta 66 with an omni i/o box and using HomeStudio 2004.

How do I get sound???????????????????????????????????????????????????

I'm using a Fostex VF80 and I have a coax (with rca ends) running from S/PDIF out to the sound card.

Maybe I should run the regular "outs" to the omni i/o box and see what happens.


THat doesn't work either.
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Does the soundcard have a S/PDIF input? S/PDIF is a digital signal and will NOT work on an analog input.
yes, coax cable....

what is interesting though is all of the suddend I can no longer see my soundcard icon in the systray. (where the little yellow speaker should be) (of which USED to be there, but when I installed my Delta66 the little yellow speaker was replaced with the Delta66 icon, of which is not there anymore.)

I can hear sound when playing mp3 files etc.. through itunes and the sound card selected is the Delta, so I know its there and I know it's working....
OK. In your recording software, have you selected the S/PDIF as the source when setting up a track? How about clock settings? Is the computer set to slave to the incoming S/PDIF?