How good is Audiophile?


New member
I would just like to get some opinions on the m-Audio Audiophile card. I haven't really seen any posts that brag on it yet, but I was thinking about getting it because the price is so good. How does it compare to the overall sound of the omnistudio which I hear is fantastic? I don't believe it has preamps, though. Let me hear about your experiences.
what exactly did you want to do with it? The omni studio adds alot to the picture (really good deal). the omni has a intrument inputs mic inputs with pre amps, softwareand good converters a/d...
I am only going to be recording keyboards and drum machines - no live band stuff. I don't mind having to track things one or two tracks at a time. If the audiophile's sound quality is good, then I would rather just spent $150 on it now and later maybe pickup a used mackie 1202 for about $200 when I get money for it. I know the omni is supposed to be great(although I would need to buy a midi interface). I do pan on using midi eventually.
you should be ok with the audiophile, it is a good card, all m-audio stuff is. Do you have software for this? if not check out n-track, it has a free download but limited to effects one one track only. Try it you should have alot of fun with it, I did.