How easy would it be?


New member
How easy would it be to blow a speaker running my 50 watt Shingle Rectumfrier head into an Avatar 2x12 w/V30's?

Never really considered it as I've always had both 2x12's available....:confused:

If I push more than the 60 watts per speaker, I risk damage...right?
How can I safely guesstimate the peak power of the amp???
Without getting long winded and going into a lot of detail, the answer depends on what kind of music you're playing. In a typical rock or blues setting, there should not be an issue running a 50 watt amp into a cab with 2 V30's. (I'm assuming the impedance matches the amp?) The voice coils and cones are high quality enough to stand up to that pretty easily. The original Marshall 100w heads were often matched to a 4x12 cab with Greenback 25's and did just fine.

The two dangers you run are overheating the voice coils or delivering too much shock pulse load to the speaker and driving the voice coil through the cone. If you're playing involves paint peeling gain settings with a distortion pedal on top of that and you don't give the speakers a break to cool down, you could overheat the voice coils to the point that they melt down. Or, if you are detuning and setting the amp to get that pant leg moving low end thump, you could deliver enough shock pulse load to drive the voice coil through the cone if you hit a power chord hard enough.
The two dangers you run are overheating the voice coils or delivering too much shock pulse load to the speaker and driving the voice coil through the cone. If you're playing involves paint peeling gain settings with a distortion pedal on top of that and you don't give the speakers a break to cool down, you could overheat the voice coils to the point that they melt down. Or, if you are detuning and setting the amp to get that pant leg moving low end thump, you could deliver enough shock pulse load to drive the voice coil through the cone if you hit a power chord hard enough.
Well, I've always hoped I wasn't that shouda-been-a-bass-player kind of guy, but I do own a 7 string!

I think I have my answer; that except under extremely brutal (cue Nathan Explosion) circumstances 60 watt of speaker should handle 50 watt of amp!
Well, I've always hoped I wasn't that shouda-been-a-bass-player kind of guy, but I do own a 7 string!

I think I have my answer; that except under extremely brutal (cue Nathan Explosion) circumstances 60 watt of speaker should handle 50 watt of amp!

according to ted weber, a tube amp dimed can produce 20% more power than it's rating.

So if you're diming the thing, you do risk some damage. I doubt you should be concerned though.