How does this quick metal song sound?


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MP3 Player SoundClick

I know it's short. I feel the quality of the recording is pretty good. It's the first time I mic'd my amp (used to use VST plugins for distortion).

The only problem I have is trying to write songs that sound different!
Sounds like a pretty solid modern metal riff.

There's kind of a weird "blip" noise when you mute the guitar (e.g. around 0:40). Not that it's a bad sound (It's kind of cool); I just figure that's something you as a producer would want to be aware of.
Thanks for the feed back. If you're talking about the pick noise, then I know what you mean. I don't know if that's my Line 6 amp (wish I had a tube amp) with its poor digital distortion or my style of playing.
For me, there's too much click from the kick drum and the snare needs a bit less top and more low-mid.

The timings a little suspect too in places.
Are we just judging the guitars? Cause they're pretty good and heavy, but the drums are non-existent. The kick and snare were paper thin. Decent guitar tone for the genre.
Guitars sound great, I'd add some bass to the kick (50-100hz), take off a tiny bit of presence from it (5-10Khz), and add some punch to the snare (4-500hz).