How does one line up tracks in reaper when they are out of sync.


New member
How does one line up tracks in reaper when they are out of sync?

I know I can click on track and move it a bit however I really need to dial in a vocal track and line it up better however I have no clue how to do it in reaper.

Thanks for the help in advance.
I don't think Reaper has any kind of complex time-streching tools in it... yet.
You would have to chop it up, and shift little bits around and stitch it all back together with precise crossfades.

However the real solution is a very simple one - rerecord the vocal line and make sure it is in time :)
If you need to move the entire item, you can either zoom in and move the item manually or use the JS time adjuster plugin. You can also hold 'alt' while dragging inside of the item to move the data without actually moving the item itself.

If you need to cut and stretch, click where you want to split the item and hit 's' on the keyboard (or right-click -> split) then hold 'alt' and drag either end of the item to time stretch it.

You can adjust global time stretch settings by hitting 'alt+enter' or per-item by selecting the item and hitting 'F2.'

Is this the kind of editing you meant?
Im surprised there is no way to dial in the placement of a track.

Im pretty sure the vocals are recorded properly and in time however sometimes when collabing music online and people use different DAW's there is sometimes a need to adjust the tracks placement...I have no idea why this happens however thats why we use click track at the beginning of each track so we can line up the clicks.

I used to use mixcraft 4 and you just had to click on track and click arrows up or down to move track forward or backwards to dial in placement of track.

I dont use mixcraft anymore and dont have it installed however I may have to insatll it just to sync up the vocal track.


EDITED:...just read new post...ignore what i just wrote.
How does one line up tracks in reaper when they are out of sync?

I know I can click on track and move it a bit however I really need to dial in a vocal track and line it up better however I have no clue how to do it in reaper.

Thanks for the help in advance.

Reaper does have a time stretching tool that works well. However, is that your real problem?

If the vocal track is simply ahead of (or behind) the other tracks, then just go to 'Options', click 'Enable Snapping' off, and drag the errant track into line.

If the problem is more complex than that, then we would need to see what the exact nature of the problem is. Cutting it up into chunks and aligning each of these may be an answer.
The F2 thing worked...i was able to dial in vocals using position and i changed the last 3 digits of the numbers.

before i adjusted postion it read 0:03.000...after dialing it in postion read 0:03.149.

That small adjustment was enough to solve the problem

thanks for the help guys...I posted this over at Reaper forum however you guys beat them to the punch with the answer.

Thanks again.
Glad you got it worked out :) Right-clickng and keyboard shortcuts will become your new best friend in REAPER.

That's funny that you posted it there. I usually hang out there A LOT more than I do on this website. I must have missed it!

Oh well. Problem solved :D