How do you record your Guitar/Bass?


New member
Just wanna get an idea of others' signal chains.


Ibanez Blazer/Cort acoustic/Ashton 5 string bass -> Podxt -> Tascam DP-01 -> Gets exported to PC

The lazy way!

Although i do plan to get some mics in the near future, mainly to mic my acoustic.

Post away
larry_emder said:
Just wanna get an idea of others' signal chains.

My most used electric guitar now is an early 60's Gibson Melody Maker with two single coil pickups. For a fatter tone (and I usually leave it tuned in the Crafty tuning) I have an old Lotus Les Paul copy. Sometimes I use an Ibanez EX series Strat copy.

A couple of the more common ways I record these days:

1) into my old Traynor Custom Reverb (usually with Groove Tubes EL-84s in whatever they call those little converter sockets) to a 10" Jensen P10L reissue in an open backed cabinet and miked with either an EV RE-55 or an AKG D-19 or an AKG D24E or an SM-57 or an AT 4050 in figure-8 mode into a Sound Devices MixPre into a 3M M-79 1/2" 4-track or into the M-Audio Delta 66.

2) if I'm in the mood to play through some toys, I'll run into either my old Korg PME-40X effect pedal box or a PAiA preamp and perhaps into my old MXR rack delay before going into the amp.

3) sometimes I run direct into the D/I part of the M-Audio Omnistudio interface (basically the same as the DMP-2). This is mainly when I'm doing some really drastic processing in Live 6 and want to start with a fairly clean, pure tone.

My only electric bass is a Gibson Ripper.

Similar to guitar, I have a few more common ways:

1) run direct into the D/I part of the M-Audio interface, or

2) into a PAiA limiter with a 1 MOhm input impedance setting and then into the M-Audio D/I, or

3) into my Traynor Bass Master and then into a sealed cabinet with an Eminence 12" driver and a Motorola piezo tweeter. I seem to use the RE-55 most to mike the bass, but that may change when I have bodies for my SM-80 capsules. From there, it would usually be the MixPre and then either to the M-79 or straight to the Delta 66.


For bass, same as ofajen basically, only I'm going from the <too shitty to mention> bass -> direct box -> Tascam US-424 (I have the 122 also, and I love it) ->Cubase on a Mac PowerBook. The tone is kind of anemic that way, even when I EQ it, so occasionally, for more driving rock, I put an SM57 in front of a '68 Bassman 2x10 cab -> ART Tube MP -> forth. I usually track with a bit of compression. I'd be all ears to any way I could improve the sound with what I'm using.
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guitars-->VOX Tonelab-->MR8HD-->PC
Bass-->VOX Tonelab-->MR8HD-->PC

Allthough I'm just thinking of micing my Pignose amp.
Woow! Where do I begin. Every way imaginable. It would be what ever guitar I thought appropriate to the tune (Tele, Strat, Les Paul, 335, Epiphone Zephyr, 12 string Dan, etc) to start with. In the direct world, I can reach for a POD, J Station, ART SGX-2000, a Rockman or a Hughes & Kettner BATT. I prefer to record with an amp however. There I go to my Revera Pubster or Silvertone 1448. I also have an old Leslie 147 that I LOVE. I've used its 40 watt amp to also drive conventional speaker boxes as the amp in this thing can be very crunchy. Mic wise, anything from an SM-57 or a 545 or Sennheiser 441 to a C-1000 or a AT-4033 works for me. Positioning, I've gotten my best results experimenting. Everything from right on the cone to just laying the mic on the floor in front of the cab. Preamps, I like my HHB Radius 10 or for ultra clean a DBX386.
Several ways..

I'd use one of my Jackson electrics...usually my SL2H.
For distorted sounds, either my 5150 II head into a Marshall 2x12 cab...or a JCM900 dual reverb for mellower sounds or cleaner sounds.
Sometimes I use a Marshall VS100 for straight clean sounds...usually all through the same cab. I have the cab on a little stand to raise it off the floor inside a large closet that has become an isloation booth of sorts, with Auralex foam on the walls. It's the same space I use for recording Vocals.
For mics, usually an SM57, Audix I5, or maybe a couple of other mics.
I usually track guitars through my M-Audio Tampa pre-amp or my RNP when I'm using 2 mics.
I use a Delta 1010 for an interface to Sonar 5.
I almost always record a DI along with the amp, and I use a Radial X-Amp for re-amping the signal later if need be.
Sometimes I just stick a mic in front of my VOX AD50VT, it's pretty versatile for middle of the road sounds.
Other times I record direct using my V-Amp pro straight into the Delta 1010.
guitar->IBANEZ DISTORTION (DS7)--> Ibanez bass amp (sw65) --> CO2 pencil condensor mic --> Bheringer mixer --> delta 10/10LT --> cubase
Wow, lots of direct-injectors around here. I find that surprising with all of the modelling badmouthing going on in these parts :D

For electric:
Gibson LP Classic->Traynor YCV80/THD HotPlate->Shure SM57/MXL 993->Yahaha MG 10/2->M-Audio Delta44->Cubase SE

For acoustic:
Alvarez Regent->2 x MXL993->Yamaha MG->Delta44->Cubase

For bass:
SX J-bass->ART TubeMP->Delta44->Cubase
ofajen said:
My most used electric guitar now is an early 60's Gibson Melody Maker with two single coil pickups. For a fatter tone (and I usually leave it tuned in the Crafty tuning)
What the hell is a Crafty tuning?
Guitar (kit guitar with PRS pickups/Schecter Diamond Series/Squier Mini Strat/Ovation) to either a Line 6 amp recording direct if I'm really lazy, or to a Jazz Chorus or Valve Junior through any of the following effects in various combinations: Boss BD-2 Blues Driver, Boss DD-3 Digital Delay, DOD FX 55-B Supra Distortion, DOD FX60 Stereo Chorus, DOD FX90 Delay, Studio Series DS-01 Distortion. Or through an X V-Amp or a Korg Ampworks, though not usually unless I just want crazy FX.
ez_willis said:
What the hell is a Crafty tuning?

Whether in Hell or my studio, the Crafty tuning is CGDAEG. First used and promulgated by Robert Fripp, especially in his "League of Crafty Guitarists" workshops. I actually sometimes tune it up a half step if the low C is a problem for the guitar. It's usefulness is due to the large intervals (mainly fifths) which gives more open chord voicings. I think Fripp also used it to force experienced guitarists in his workshops to get out of their routines and chops and approach guitar from a fresh perspective.


ofajen said:
My only electric bass is a Gibson Ripper.

Similar to guitar, I have a few more common ways:

1) run direct into the D/I part of the M-Audio interface, or

2) into a PAiA limiter with a 1 MOhm input impedance setting and then into the M-Audio D/I

By way of update, I now have a Great River ME-1NV that I got in a trade for an Ampex and it is now my preferred D/I input for bass, along with being a great mike preamp.


guitar---->Vox AC30CC or Mesa Boogie DC-3---->Marshall 1960a---->Shure sm57---->Joe Meek 3Q------>PTLE.
ofajen said:
Whether in Hell or my studio, the Crafty tuning is CGDAEG. First used and promulgated by Robert Fripp, especially in his "League of Crafty Guitarists" workshops. I actually sometimes tune it up a half step if the low C is a problem for the guitar. It's usefulness is due to the large intervals (mainly fifths) which gives more open chord voicings. I think Fripp also used it to force experienced guitarists in his workshops to get out of their routines and chops and approach guitar from a fresh perspective.



Hmmmm. Low C, huh? Leave it to Fripp.